Chapter 6- An Awkward Day of School

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Before we begin a continuation of my disastrous life, I have one thing to say. It has nothing to do with the actual events of my life, but it's important to know. You see, my stutter never goes away and will probably never go away. However, I was informed that apparently some "author" is getting  annoyed with adding my actual stutter to the story. His exact words, "I'm s-sorry that I can't be perfect! But you could sooner freeze the entirety of hell before you make me go through that!" and since we don't like trying to get them off the top of the fridge with a broom, it's been compromised that my stutter will just be implied. So, just add in the stutter yourself in your mind. Now without further ado, enjoy this cursed hellscape I call a daily routine.

My name is Kusuo Saiki and I am thoroughly confused. You see, my crush, the celebrity singer Satou Hiroshi has kissed me. Although this may seem normal, it's not. He has admitted to me that he likes someone else. Now I'm not sure what to do, because I don't want to steal someone else's boyfriend, but I also don't want to let Hiroshi go. Don't you dare reference Panic! at the Disco you emo nightmares. 

I love Satou, I really do, but being with me isn't what would make him happy. I've seen it before. People (typically girls) kissing each other on the cheek as a sign of friendship. It's not beyond the useless male brain to be friendly with the ones you love platonically. I have to get away from Satou. Our friendship will only ruin each other's life. Weird, I'm not usually like this.

"Kuu!" My mother had called from the hallway, although I already heard her coming, "What are you doing silly? You have school today!" 

Oh right. I was spending so much time thinking about the boy of my dreams that I forgot about school. I quickly threw my stuff in my bag, rushing to get everything in so I could get to school on time. As I rushed, I felt the tangle Satou gave to me fall into my hand as I rummaged through my bag. I held it and stopped for a brief moment. He gave me this in a moment of desperation, when I could have been labelled a threat. It will never mean as much to him as it means to me. The thought of that broke my heart, but it didn't matter. How unlike me, indulging in these complicated feelings.

"Kuu!" My mom called in urgency, "Don't be late! Don't want to pick up your father's adorably annoying habit!" Even when she's insulting him, she has to compliment him and express her love for him. I grabbed my bag and teleported to the door.

"Goodbye," I telepathically told her before running out the door. Thankfully, the only thing I needed to haphazardly throw together this morning was my school bag.

I rushed down the street, trying to make sure my pace was quick enough to get to school, but not too quick to trip on a rock and blow up a gas station. As I was about to reach the corner of my street, I heard the familiar voice I loved so dearly.

"Saiki!" Satou called out joyfully, "There you are! I was waiting for you!"

I slowed my pace, fully prepared to walk with him, but I quickly realized what it would entail. If I walked with him, that would only be a projection of my own selfish desires. I would effectively third wheel on all of Satou's interactions and scare away his crush, making me the direct source of his unhappiness. I didn't hesitate, I picked my pace back up.

"What the? Saiki!" he sounded confused, I think? Maybe it was anger. I can't tell, I just kept moving, "Hey! Is something wrong?" Sorry Satou, but please forget me. Just let me become another ordinary background character you easily forget.

It's sad, but it's unfortunately true. To achieve Satou's happiness, we have to become background characters to each other. He has to become just another one of the many annoyances in my life. Could I ever even call him an annoyance? It feels like a crime. Hey God? Is it a sin to be in love? Or should I give up trying because there is no god? Only disaster.

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