Chapter 7- The Truth Revealed

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My name is Kusuo Saiki, and I'm stuck in a place where I really shouldn't be. You see, my genius brain that calculates at a rate faster than any average human had decided that the best course of action was to ignore Satou Hiroshi every time he came up to me. However, it never took the time to factor in things like feelings and empathy, and now he wants me to talk to him about it. My worst nightmare.

"Saiki," he poked my cheek, trying to get something out of me, "Come on now. I know you can at least sign something." I turned to the side. Not a word would be coming from me, "Saiki, don't make us sit here forever."

He had us sitting in his living room. His parents were out at work apparently, but that's about it. The two of us sat in silence. He was getting increasingly annoyed by my silence.

"Just talk to me, why's that so hard?" It's what I have to say that makes it so hard, "Even if you think it's bad, just say whatever's on your mind."

"I-" I began, but stopped myself, I didn't want to make things harder between us. Suddenly, I heard a thought. Not mine or Satou's, someone else. I quickly turn in the direction of the thought, but there's no one and nothing to accompany it.

"Oh you must have noticed him," Satou said, "Come on out, it's alright." From around the corner, without making a sound, was Satou's little brother, "Saiki, meet my little brother, Ren meet Saiki. He struggles to communicate too."

I waved at the boy. He grabbed a tablet and pushed a button, "Hello" ah, AAC. Easier than sign language, but takes up space in one's bag.

"Ren, me and my friend are talking right now, do you mind playing by yourself for a bit?" The way he called me friend stung a little. I wished we could be more, but he doesn't like me that way.

The boy looked back and forth between me and Satou. He looked at Satou and pointed at me.

"He's just having trouble speaking, I promise you that he's not being rude."

Ren didn't seem to believe him and looked back at me.

"Weird, this guy doesn't talk either, but doesn't use the tablet," the boy thought to himself, "Does he have a tablet? Maybe not. I know!"

He handed me his tablet and pointed at the buttons. I understood right away what he meant. I quickly fished through the buttons and pressed a few.

"Thank you," the tablet read. I signed along with it just for good measure, "But I have my own way of saying things to him. Sometimes I can even talk with words."

He looked at me and shrugged, walking away to play by himself. Which left me with the other one. The one who I had a small crush on. He stared at me, waiting for an answer. I couldn't format the words.

"Saiki, we can't just sit here forever," I can, "You have to tell me eventually."

I looked up at him and shook my head no. He rolled his eyes and leaned in.

"If you tell me I'll buy you a coffee jelly," Satou bargained.

"I have-" no pull yourself together! One coffee jelly is not worth throwing away the friendship the two of you share! Jeez, what is up with me today?

"Saiki please!" Satou begged, "I promise nothing bad will happen when you tell me. At the very least we'll always be friends." Friends, the words burned in my brain painfully. So harshly that I couldn't stop myself from speaking.

"I have a crush on you!" I blurted out, then instantly cowered back, covering my mouth, "Fine, I said it. I like you, you idiot! You're so perfect and I can't get you out of my head, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I can't because you like someone else. I didn't want to ruin everything with my frivolous display of emotions, so I just, ran." 

"Saiki," Satou cupped my cheek with his warm hand, "Is that really what this is all about?" The warmth was comforting, at least to the point I wasn't panicking. Everything felt like it had all collapsed and I just didn't have the energy to care anymore. I just wanted to fall and live in the warmth forever.

"Well, yeah," I said, looking down to the floor, "Sorry, now I've ruined everything, because I just don't want to be stuck as a friend forever. I want to be more!"

"Saiki, the person I like is you," Satou said with a chuckle, "I would have figured you'd be a step ahead of me and already know this, you always seem to do so."

"Oh," I said, "Well now I feel stupid." Usually I'm so on top of things, how did I miss his affections?

"I love you, you adorable idiot," Satou said, kissing me on the cheek, "I know you're smart, but maybe relationships aren't your forte."

"I've never been in one," I admitted, "I've never really felt a connection with anyone the way I have with you."

"Well now you have," Satou said, kissing my cheek again, "I can be your first boyfriend if you want."

"Sorry," I teased, "I only date guys who can buy me all the coffee jelly I want."

"I can take you to a cafe for our first date," he offered, nudging my shoulder, "The quiet one on the corner if you'd like."

"Hmm, I'll think about it," I teased, pretending to think, "I'm a busy man after all. I have a performer I need to support, basically my biggest crush in the world."

"Can he be your boyfriend?" Satou asked, hugging me tightly.

"Nah, I like this more," I said, embracing him back.

The two of us sat there, laughing and messing around. For once in my abnormal life, I felt ordinary. Like an ordinary teenager in an ordinary relationship. Granted, I wasn't very normally and Satou was abnormally normal, but this was a type of odd that I could live with until the end of time.

"Wanna stay the night boyfriend?" Satou asked, "You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor. I've got a few games we can play and a few cakes we could heat up and eat."

"I thought you said you'd walk me home if you have too," I stuck my tongue out at him, "What a brave hero you are, kidnapping me and enticing me with sweets."

"Would you rather go home?" he asked, standing and ready to leave and walk me home.

"No I live here with you now forever," I said, getting up and clinging to him.

"You have a funny way of expressing love," he said, kissing me on the cheek.

"And whose fault is it that you liked me back?" I asked, still clinging to him like a koala, "What's the plan boyfriend?"

"Anything you like, boyfriend." He poked my cheek lovingly.

I couldn't wait for my first ever sleepover, especially with my new boyfriend.


*Emerges from the shadows covered in wasp stings and still holding a now bigger stick* Worth it!

Thanks for reading. You finally get to enjoy a Saiki that's not an idiot. (and if you didn't already know, the swatting at a wasps nest jokes were all references to me purposefully pissing you lovely readers off by making Saiki oblivious.)

Any support you give really helps. I know it's really short and I'm sorry. You see, my eczema is currently affecting my finger really badly, which wouldn't be a problem if I didn't write with that hand. Today it got to be too much because holding a pencil and doing schoolwork was agonizing and overwhelmingly painful that my mom had to take me to an urgent care. They gave me a bunch of prescriptions that I now have to take frequently, and unfortunately, there's no instant cure, so for at least a few days I will still be in agony while using pencils and pens. As a writer this is seriously discouraging, and the only thing I can do to comfort myself is to write on my phone or computer. So here I am, on Wattpad, posting a poor excuse for a chapter. But yeah, any support given will really encourage me, hopefully to do better next time.

@FroggiReadsAllofit is this everything you ever hoped and dreamed of? 

Again, thank you so much, and see you in the next one.

Ignore everything beyond this point, I'm trying to make sure it publishes properly.

Test 1

Test 2

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