Chapter 9- My Wonderful Partner (In Crime)

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My name is Kusuo Saiki, and I must confess, waking up in your boyfriend's arms is a wonderful way to wake up, but you wanna know what's even better? Waking up in the arms of the celebrity you have a slight major crush on, who also happens to be your boyfriend.

My eyes fluttered open slowly. He was awake, but his eyes were closed. 'Just let Saiki wake up on his own, I don't wanna bother him by waking him up with me.' He thought he was being polite. I poked him in the gut then clenched my eyes closed pretending to be asleep.

"Well good morning to you too sunshine," I heard him chuckle, 'Also ow! You have the strength of a dinosaur!' Incorrect, I'm often compared to God.

"Morning," I said back, "What's on the schedule today?"

"Hopefully calling your parents and telling them where you were," He said. When you have psychic superpowers, typically your parents aren't concerned for where you go, only for who you're with, but I haven't told him about my powers yet, so I suppose I should call them to ese his mind.

"I'll do that now then," I responded, squeezing him in a hug before we both let go. I sat up and pulled my phone out of my pocket. He seemed to be watching me the entire time, "Something wrong sir sings alot?" It was a jab at him being a singer and in no way intended to be a reference, but there may be someone you can be friends with if you saw it as a reference.

"Did you really sleep with your glasses and hair pins on all night?" He asked, concern laced in his tone, "I'm pretty sure something like that would hurt, right?" While the pins were a safety thing, the glasses I just genuinely forgot, but it's probably for the best that I wore them, could have turned my boyfriend to stone.

"It's just this once," I waved it off, "I won't do it again. Boyfriend's honor." He seemed skeptical, but brushed it off just as quickly. I hit my parents'number and the phone rang. They picked up almost instantly.

"Kuu~" My mother excitedly called.

"Kuu huh?" Satou laughed right next to me. He moved while the phone rang without me knowing, guess to just be annoying.

"You shush!" I silenced him.

"Oh my who's that son?" It was my dad, "Hello son! I'm Kusuo's father!"

"Pleasure to meet you sir," Satou responded, "I'm Kusuo's boyfriend."

"Hush!" I told him yet again.

"Oh my! Kusuo has a boyfriend!" Now Kuusuke's on the line? Good grief, why not throw in grandma and grandpa while we're at it. Maybe the robo cat too, "I can't wait to meet him."

"You hang up and get back to whatever you do in your British lab!" I snapped at him. He didn't say another word, so I assumed he was gone.

"So what's up dear?" my mom asked, "You never call. And did you tell him about your psyc-"

"No! No." I quickly cut her off, "That's a later conversation. But I'm calling to tell you that I was over at Satou's place for the night and will be coming home today."

"Ohh! Did you-" I hung up while my dad was in mid sentence. I had spoken and they had heard. Conversation's over, the end.

"Well now that that's out of the way," I said, shoving my phone back in my pocket, "What's the plan?"

"Well the guys called the other day asking about an early rehearsal today," Satou explained. When? When in this time have you been able to receive a call about early rehearsals? It doesn't matter, "It's not as early as you might think it to be, meaning there's time for me to take you out to breakfast and get you home before rehearsals."

"Sounds great," I said, "But I don't have money on me, so I'll just get a water or something."

"Did I say you were paying?" he asked. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek, "Let me spoil my boyfriend a little bit. Is that so bad?"

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