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June 5,2014- a week later at night around 9 p.m. Hayley was walking down the street in town she was looking at her phone seeing that mason texted her saying that chloe was in ohio with the girls

Hayley heard footsteps behind her and before you know it Hayley was pushed to the ground she turn around her eyes glowing to see none other than Camille O'Connell the second mother to klaus's child

Cami: hayley (says and looks at her)

Hayley: Cami ( says looking at her)

Cami: where have you been, the mikaelsons been looking for you (says)

Hayley: I think we both know why (says glaring at her and cami looks at her)

Cami: yes klaus told me you were with another family and that your a mom to another child, where's hope (ask)

Hayley: very far away from here, why are you in New Jersey shouldn't you be in New Orleans (ask)

Cami: I need help to save the Mikaelsons (says)

Hayley: let me guess it has something to do with the fact that the Mikaelsons Has Fallen (says and cami looks at her)

Cami: how did you know

Hayley: Marcel told me

Cami: since when did you and Marcel started talking to each other last time I check you two weren't even close

Hayley: let's just say we both have a hatred for klaus, and what are you trying to do bring the family back together

Cami: I have to, my son needs his dad and his aunts and uncles you should be considering helping me your daughter needs her Family to

Hayley: my daughter already has a family that loves her and will protect her unlike the mikaelsons (says)

Cami: why do you hate the mikaelsons so much what have they done to you

Hayley: they ruined my life Cami, Klaus almost killed me that night if it wasn't for someone I would have been dead wouldn't be able to hold my own daughter anymore do you know what that would feel like, and now that I know the mikaelsons are not in this world anymore I can finally be safe and don't have to look over my shoulders just in case the mikaelsons find me again and take hope from me

Cami: I'm sorry you feel that way Hayley but they need to come back (says)

Hayley: well I'm guess I'm just going to have to make sure you don't do that (says, cami looks at her and before you know it Hayley snapped her neck)

Hayley took Cami back to the castle and put her in a cell, she locked the door and left the room, she went to mason's room to see mason laying in his bed, he turns to her

Hayley: hey what are you doing (ask sitting on his bed)

Mason: just thinking ( says sitting up)

Hayley: I got your text

Mason: yeah got to make sure the girls are safe and away from this place until we defeat the sirens (says)

Hayley: do you really think we should trust Chloe to protect the girls she's just human (says)

Mason: which is a nice cover up right now everyone thinks she's a mother with twins so people won't notice that there our children they'll think she's just a simple human mother they won't come after her

Hayley: I hope you're right

Mason: what's wrong with you

Hayley: well earlier ago I was walking into town and I bumped into someone from my past

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