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August 23, 2014- the family finally caught up with the Sirens as they were about to go to a house

Ruby: prohibere (says stopping them from entering the house)

Aqua: oh, would you give up it's not like this baby will be missed

Hayley: your wrong I don't know what you did to mason but I will kill you for it (says)

Aqua: yeah well you try last time and failed

Ruby: not this time (says) sirene ones in unum link (says and nothing happened)

Aqua: I'm so sorry am I supposed to be impressed

Ruby: oh that wasn't the main course I just needed to link you all together (says)

Aqua:(starts laughing) and why is that so you can kill us trust me you guys tried and yet here we are still breathing

Not for long

Everyone turn around to see jace, chloe, Cora and the witch coven of new jersey

Aqua: what is this

Cora: sometimes in order to beat your enemy you have to become allies with your other enemies you see they hate you just as much as we do

Chloe: you guys ready (says and they nod)

The witches: from ancient times this power come for All to have but none to Reign, take it now show no mercy for this power can no longer be, from ancient times this power come for All to have but none to Reign, take it now show no mercy for this power can no longer be (as they were saying it over and over again Hayley took the time to grab a hold of aqua's heart)

Aqua started bleeding out blood

Aqua: you think you can kill us I will be back (says laughing as hayley was slowly pulling her heart)

All the sirens were feeling aqua's pain but they suck it up and started performing a spell

Sirens: for every witch and every hour send us now the greatest power brick and mortar wood and stone protect our Center protect our home (says and started saying it over again)

Hayley: this is for Joshua, Cole, and Mason (says and rip her heart out but she was too late because the sirens finish whatever spell they were doing, aqua fell to the ground in a minutes later so did the sirens)

Jace: are they really (ask, Ruby checked and nodded)

Ruby: they're gone they're gone for good (says and everyone cheered)

Hayley left and soon came back with Miracle, Tyler walked up to her holding hope

Elizabeth: our family is back together again (says smiling)

Hayley: Mason we have to find him we don't know what they did to him

Ruby: judging by his reaction earlier I think they erased his memory

Hayley: and how much of his memory was erased

Ruby: I don't know he seemed to didn't know you and he looked confused when he looked at the rest of us (says)

Chloe: I think for now we should go back to town and fix it and then go look for Mason (says)

Elizabeth: Chloe is right, right now the town needs as we have to go put it back together and then we go find Mason (says, hayley didn't want to do that but she nod anyway)

They all headed home and started repairing the town, a month later Hayley and Ruby were in Washington looking for mason, they finally finished repairing the city and went to go look for Mason only to find him in Washington

Hayley: are you sure he's here

Ruby: yes Hayley we even had to put everyone's blood together to make a strong connection and it showed he's here (says)

Hayley: well maybe you could at least given us a specific location (says and ruby looks at her) sorry I just miss him so much and I'm worried about him, it hurts even more hearing my girls called out for their dad and he's nowhere to be found

Ruby: I understand we are all worried for him and we will find a way to get him back I just got to figure out what kind of spell they use so I can reverse it (says and hayley nods)

For a few hours they've been searching for Mason and couldn't find him they was about to give up when they heard his voice they look to see he was in a park with another woman happy

Hayley: oh my God (says as they watched him kiss the girl) he's moved on

Ruby: he didn't move on Hayley just lost his memory that makes him think he moved on he doesn't know that he has a family

Hayley:(sighs wiping her tears away) how long will it take to reverse the spell that's on him

Ruby: it all depends on what's in the grimoire (says)

Hayley: well please hurry and find it I don't think I can take more of him with another woman (says and she nods)

Mason felt someone watching him he turned around to see it was no one he Shrugged It Off and turn back around, Hayley and Ruby were now standing on the balcony

Hayley: he looks so happy so peaceful not having to worry about anything (says)

Ruby: I know but we need to get him back it won't take long for people to find him in this state and use him or kill him I don't think he knows he's a hybrid he probably thinks he's just some normal human with incredible power

Hayley: Well for now we'll protect him until we find a spell to save him we should better get on to it I don't think I can handle hearing the girls keep calling for him especially hope she has Mason in her memory 24/7

Ruby: well I mean hope is 2 years old an average age for a kid to remember things (says and hayley nods)

They watched Mason dance with the girl and having the time of his life

They watched Mason dance with the girl and having the time of his life

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Hayley: let's just go (says, ruby nods and the two leave back home)

A Sneak peek 8 months till now

A woman was screaming out in pain pushing out a baby, 9 months ago she discovered she was pregnant with a baby that came out of nowhere

Doctor: one more push ma'am and the baby's almost here (says as the girl continued to scream)

A good few minutes and the baby was soon out, the woman breathe out in relief

Doctor: you have a healthy baby boy (says, the woman smiled but stopped to see a mark on its back)

Girl: what is that (ask)

Doctor: I don't know (says and out of nowhere the baby started screaming out way too loud hurting their ears)

The doctor gave it a bottle and it stopped screaming

Girl: is it normal for a child to scream that loud

Doctor: no it's not I don't know what's going on (says) but it's not normal

The doctor says the woman looked at the doctor before looking at her baby trying to figure out what was going on

That was the end of season 3

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What is this mystery baby and who it belongs to?

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