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February 21, 2026- it's been a week since hope got out of hell hope hasn't been the same ever since she triggered her werewolf side

With hayley and miracle in Mystic Falls at the Salvatore boarding school

Miracle: are you sure it's safe for me to return back to school you know since Safari is still out there

Hayley: I guess now that we got your sister is back we can focus on safari and we think it's best for you to be in a school full of other Supernaturals we could protect themselves I feel at peace knowing that you're somewhere safe (says)

Miracle: what about Hope

Hayley: she'll be staying until she recovers she triggers her werewolf side so it's going to be difficult for her right now (says and she nods) now you better go cuz the last time I was here I threatened Alaric that I would hurt his family if hope didn't come up

Miracle: you threatened to hurt the twins (ask)

Hayley: if I had to did you know family always comes first (says) you should know that by now and besides they are The Offspring of the woman that I hate now you better get your class (says, Miracle looked at her before going back into the school Hayley got in her car and drove back to New Jersey)

With hope who was in her room looking through her books, mason came in

Mason: hope (says closing her door)

Hope: hi Dad (says)

Mason: how are you feeling (ask)

Hope: I'm good

Mason: no you're not

Hope:(looks at him and sighs) never knew what he'll felt like until now I don't know what I'm feeling

Mason: I never wanted you to feel like this not at this to me (says)

Hope: well maybe when you are the daughter of someone that everyone hates things don't always go your way (says)

Mason: you're ashamed of me

Hope: I'm not I'm honored to be your daughter we just need to accept that something like this would happen and maybe worse will come (says)

Mason: well when the full moon comes I'll be with you to walk you through it all the way

Hope: thanks Dad (says, he smiles)

Mason: now why don't we-(he stops and hope looks at him)

Hope: what's wrong (says)

Mason speeds down stairs with hope following him she looked to see that he was holding a blonde woman to the wall

Hope: DAD ( yells out)

Mason: what the hell are you doing

Caroline: I need your help (says)

Again with them

Mason: it's been 15 years since we last saw each other what are you doing

Caroline: I need your help it's about my daughters (says and he looks at him) they are apart of the Gemini witch coven, they're twins and-(got stopped)

Hope: you're worried about the merge ( ask and they looked at her)

Mason: how did you know

Hope: I may have read the chapter in 1903 where you met the Gemini coven, a woman asked your help to find a way to break the merge and you told her no (says)

Mason: mm

Caroline: please Mason I know the last time we saw each other didn't go too well but please

Hope: I say help her dad

Mason: hope

Hope: look I may not know what went on between you two but Josie is my friend and I can't lose her

Mason: fine maybe my sister can help you with that ( says and she nods)

With them again

Ruby: I don't think there's a way to break the merge or to ignore it but there is a way to avoid it (says)

Caroline: what is it (ask)

Ruby: the only way to avoid it is to have demon blood in their system

Mason: no Ruby I am not about to have you turn those girls into monsters (says)

Ruby: if we use Miracles blood if they died with her blood in their system they'll become an upgrade witch a heretic you say

Mason: you'll be turning them into almost like a Tribrid a witch and a vampire with demon blood that can boost up their spells and Magic

Caroline: wait what demon blood

Hope: long story short demons exist (says)

Caroline: I am not about to turn my daughters into a monster their Uncle murdered their real mother and he became a heretic a psychopath well he already was one my daughter's art about to go through the same path like he did

Mason: then I guess there's no hope for you (says and she looks at him)

Caroline: fine do you have a vial of Miracle's blood (says)

Mason: why would we carry around a vial of my daughter's blood (says) we'll give it to you one day I know you're going to have to hang tight and besides exactly i do not trust you walking around with her blood in your hands people could snatch it from you, become a threat to my family

Caroline: fine they'll be merging and a few years I will need it by then (says)

Mason:mm (says)

Caroline: look I'm sorry for what happened years ago Mason it was never my intention

Mason: that's what they all say (says) how'd you know where we were

Caroline: when you're the Headmaster of the school you know exactly where your students family live

Mason: I'm certainly going to have to talk to Hayley about putting where our real address is

Caroline: yes I heard you downgraded and screwed around with a traitor and had a child into the mix (says) you went from a queen to a whore (says and mason grabbed her neck)

Mason: I'm sorry last time I checked you were the downgrade you were the traitor who slept around behind my back with a one person I hated the most at least my wife is making up for the mistakes she did when she cheated on me and don't you ever talk about my daughter like that I don't care for you Caroline anymore I really don't and I won't hesitate to kill you leaving your daughter's motherless now get out of my face before I cut our deal off (says and let her go)

Caroline looked at him she was about to leave when he called out her name

Mason: I went to a downgrade to a warrior Queen (says and soon caroline left)

Hope: I'm starting to really don't like her (says)

Mason: tell me about it can't believe I dated her (says)

Later on at night

Hayley had got back home an hour ago she was reading a book on the couch when she heard mason coming in

Hayley: hey (says)

Mason: hey

Hayley: I heard what happened Caroline was in town while I was gone

Mason: yes she needed help her daughters were in danger and I told her I would help her I almost had cut the deal off when she insulted you

Hayley: that is so Caroline of her she still holds a grudge for me snapping her neck years ago betraying her friends

Mason:(smiles) when I defended you I felt something I still love you Hayley even though we split up years ago

Hayley: I still love you to Mason I will always will (says, he smiles and kissed her on the lips)

Haley kissed him and sat on his lap, they ripped each others clothes off and United once again after years later

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