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May 3, 2015- a week later since Chloe became a vampire Chloe has been getting better but then again she has been getting worse since her emotions are heightened her desire to kill Aisha grow everyday

With cora who was walking down the street trying to find a herb for a spell as she was looking someone stand beside her

Hello cora

Cora looked at the person

Cora: who are you (ask)

Aisha: my name is Aisha I heard you're the leader of the witch

Cora: I am why (ask)

Aisha: because I need your help (says and cora looks at her) I know you trying to bring back cole and I'm just the person who can help you with it.. if you do something for me

Cora: how can I trust you I don't even know you (says)

Aisha: because it involves hurting the Callstio family ( says) you have a burning desire to hate them and that desire will get me what I want.. I want to break Mason and Elizabeth Sireline (says and cora's eyes widened) judging by your face expression you know what it is if you want to save your friend jace and bring back cole help me break the sire line or they will be lost forever including your dear friend Chloe

Cora: wait chloe what's going on

Aisha: you don't know ( she shook her head no) I've been in town for almost 3 months and your friends didn't tell you what was going on

Cora: the only thing I know is about some prophecy and that's it (says)

Aisha: my dear dear Cora your friend Chloe died last week and became a vampire now she's a part of Mason sideline if we do not break the Sire line her and jace will died (says)

Cora looks at her before thinking she looked at Aisha and nods

Aisha: good then let's go Shall we (says and the two leave)

With the family, chloe has been staying with the family for a whole week to control her bloodlust

Mason: hey (says coming into the living room where chloe was) how are you feeling

Chloe: like I just want to hit something (says)

Mason: you'll get the hang of it (says)

Chloe: and how long before that happens right now I just want to smash aisha's head in for what she did to me (says)

Mason: trust me you're not the only one who wants to do that to her (says) but right now you're in a dangerous situation where you can just snap at anyone and hurt them

Chloe: well maybe instead up having my anger built up inside of me I should release it on aisha I would feel more relieved (says)

Mason: Chloe you are not going to hurt her not in your state

Chloe: why are you defending her it hurted so many people that we care about

Mason: I'm not going but you need to understand it's not time yet and you need to learn to control yourself instead of picking fights

Chloe: says the person who picks fight on people when they mess with you and your family but yet I can't do the same (says and gets up to leave)

Mason: where are you going

Chloe: home since I can't seem to do anything around here (says and she was gone)

He watched her leave

Mason: hayley (says and a depressed Hayley came in who was still not over Paul's death but she put a smile on her face for the family)

Hayley: what's up (ask)

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