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August 12, 2015- it's been two months since Bella left with her newborn 2 months since aisha attacked ruby and disappeared

Right now cora and others demons are setting up to break the sire line all they needed was Mason and Elizabeth

Aisha: is it almost ready ( ask, they nod) good the faster we can get this finish the faster we can finally take down the family (says)

Cora: and as soon as we break The Sire line I can bring Cole back right (ask)

Aisha: yes....of course (says) once the spell is broken it will create a massive power enough to bring your precious cole back ( says and cora smiles) now lets go get them

She says, cora nods they soon got to work

With the family mason was in the kitchen with hope making something to eat

Hope: what's this daddy (says)

Mason: this is a little something I created years ago back in my time it's called an galette d'avoine

Hope: what does that mean (ask)

Mason: an oatcake in French (says)

Hope: I want to learn french daddy (says jumping in excitement)

Mason: I don't know you're aunt Ruby was going to teach you Latin so you can learn spells (says)

Hope: plz daddy (says begging him)

Mason: fine I guess I can teach you French (says and hope smiles)

Hayley came in

Hayley: hey (says)

Mason: hey (says)

Hayley: hope why don't you go to your uncle Tyler while I talk to your father ok (says, she nods, Mason let her go and she ran out the kitchen) since when did you learn French

Mason: since always there's a lot of language I know Bulgaria, French, Latin and Spanish (says and smiles)

Hayley: wow is there any more talents I should know (ask)

Mason: well I sword fight.. do comebacks (says)

Hayley: should I be afraid that you might teach our daughters to do that

Mason: well I think it's a good idea to do so, they can protect themselves and not rely on their magic so much in case they get into any sticky situation (says)

Hayley:(smiles) maybe you can teach me a thing or two

Mason: mmm well I only have room for two (says smirking)

Hayley: well I'm sure you can make a third private study (says about to kiss him when she was thrown into a wall)

Mason: hayley (says yelling as Elizabeth came speeding him)

Elizabeth: what the hell is going on (ask but her neck was snapped and she fell to the ground)

Hayley: mason (says looking up to see he was thrown into the wall and his neck was snapped she looked to see it was cora) cora what are you doing

Cora: I'm sorry Hayley but it has to be done (says)

Hayley: what (says but her neck was snapped)

Hours later Hayley woke up to see if she was on the couch

Ruby: Hayley thank God you're okay (says)

Hayley: what happened (says)

Jace: you were on the ground with a neck snapped (says)

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