Chapter 37

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Liam and I walk back out to the pack as they enjoy the bonfire. My eye catches Lydia and Endora sitting on some logs laughing as they watch Jason get chased by pack pups. Smiling as we walk over to Lydia I see Justin finally get caught by the kids, ending up in a dog pile on top of him.

"As much as I hate to end your guys' fun, now that Endora is here we should really form a plan to take down the rogues." The laughter dies out and Endora smiles at me,

"I guess some things never change. Does she still work herself half to death?" She asks Lydia and Liam.

"Of course she does! Though I will say that ever since Liam got here she's been quite a bit less focused." I blush as Endora laughs. The mood sobers as she looks at me and says,

"It's good to finally see you happy Em. I don't think I saw you smile this much in the entire three months I stayed with you." At this I look up at Liam whose arm is around my waist, I smile as he presses a kiss to my forehead.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy, honestly. I'm still getting used to it." Jason finally escapes the children and runs over to us.

"Let's go before those little monsters realize I'm gone!" He doesn't even stop as he grabs Lydia's hand and heads towards the pack house. I grab Liams hand and begin to follow them inside, only to see Lydia push Jason to the ground and sprint away. He lightly growls at her and chases her down.

Hearing my best friends happy screams as she's caught by her mate makes my heart happy. They're perfect for each other.

They both act like children. I hear Liam in my head through our mate link. I chuckle and respond,

Don't act like you're any better! I send him the memory of him attacking me with a squirt gun in the gym.

You deserved that, he laughs and pulls me closer by letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He pulls me in to lay a kiss on my temple. As we finally reach the office I look up to him a place a small kiss on his jaw. We stop in front of the door, hearing everyone waiting inside. Suddenly I am just so mentally exhausted. Why can't I have a simple life with my mate? I stop Liam from going inside right away by wrapping my arms around him and nuzzling my face into his neck. I think he can sense my mental struggle because his arms immediately land around my waist as he pulls me close. He whispers in my head,

There will come a day when we have nothing to stress over except normal pack issues. There will come a day when you are bored because of the lack of excitement in our lives. There will come a day where the biggest worry on your mind is our children, and I cannot wait for that day. You deserve to be happy, babygirl. I love you, Ember.

My eyes water, but I don't cry. I may be getting soft because of the love of my mate, but I will never turn into a weak woman.

I love you too. So much. Now let's get this over with, our child is making me tired. I gently rub my stomach as I pull away from my mate.

We walk into the office and take our seats at the head of the meeting table. Or should I say we take our seat because Liam doesn't give me the chance to sit on my own before he's pulling me sideways into his lap with his hands wrapped around me, landing on my small baby bump. As everyone takes their seats I relax into my mates arms. His hands are rubbing slow, calming circles on my stomach.

A few hours later we have the basics of our plan set, and with Endora on our side it's pretty much a fair fight. There's not a whole lot we can control once the war begins, so our plan mainly focuses on our set up. We decided Lydia will lead a group of warriors north, Justin will lead a group west, Liam will go east, and I will enter the clearing from the southern end. Our army will stay out of sight with Endora hiding our scent until the time comes to fight. My mom will be taking all of the non fighters to the bunker under the pack house. She wanted to fight but I wouldn't let her. I just got her back I'm not risking her life again.

"Okay, we have the majority of our plan set already, we just need to tweak the details and decide how we are going to lure the Rogues into the clearing behind our pack.." Liam states. At this I roll my eyes and get prepared for an argument.

"We already know how we're going to lure them They watch my every move so all I need to do is walk out to the clearing and they will come." Of course Liam started growling before I even finished.

"YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE BAIT FOR THAT BASTARD. What if something goes wrong and they grab you! You WILL NOT be our bait!" He growls at me. His hands on my waist are almost too tight now. I feel his worry and anger course through my body, and I get off his lap so I can face him and make my points.

"Look Love, I know this isn't ideal but what other option do we have? We could put out a message to them but that would just be announcing our war plans to them. If we use me as bait we gain the element of surprise. As for them grabbing me, I hope they try." He gives me an angry glare at this comment, but his look only makes me mad.

"That man killed my FAMILY, Liam. HE TORTURED ME FOR YEARS!! I HOPE he tries to take me again now because I am no longer just a child! I can fight! I WILL fight. And me being bait gives me the best opportunity to get close to them. I am going to take every opportunity I have to kill the Rogue Alpha. He will die, and it will be by my hand." Liam just sits there and stares at me after my outburst. I can tell he's fighting with his wolf over the situation. Even thinking about that evil man has flashbacks running through my mind. I calm myself down and open our link,

Please. Don't stop me from doing this. I beg him. He knows how much this means to me. I have been waiting to kill this man for too many years. I feel him in my mind,

I'm sorry, you're right. I know how important this is to you, I just worry about you Love. And to the rest of the group he says through a clenched jaw,

"Ember will be the bait."

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