Chapter 29

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The next morning, in Liam's arms, Jason's voice wakes us both up in the pack link,

We've just entered pack territory, we'll be at the pack house in 15 minutes.

I instantly tense up. This is it, I'm going to see my mother for the first time in almost ten years. the memories of the last time i saw her flash in my mind,

Blood everywhere, three claw marks slashed through my mothers stomach as she looks up at me.

"Ember, my baby." She says, "Run. You need to get out of here before they see you!"

" I'm not leaving you mom! You can make it through this! I love you mommy"

"I love you too sweetie, but you have to run! Now! Go!"

Go. The word echos in my mind as a tear runs down my face. I just left her to die.

Before I fall completely into my guilt and grief, Liam pulls me close. I know he's been in my mind this whole time, seeing my memories.

"It's okay, Ember. You did what you had to do to survive, and she knows that. It's what she wanted. If anything she's going to be upset with herself that she was unable to protect her pups."

I sigh. I know he's right, it just still pains me to remember that day and to think that maybe just maybe I could have done something differently. But no. I couldn't have. I hadn't even shifted yet, and I got myself captured. I couldn't even save myself so I really shouldn't feel guilty about not saving my mother.

Liam pulls me out of my conflicting emotions with a gentle kiss, then says, "Come on, we should get ready for when they arrive."

Maybe my timing sucks, but I can't hold in telling him what's been on my mind for days now,

"I love you, Liam. I don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing mate, but I'm glad it's you." And I really do. Since we met he has always put my needs ahead of his own, even sharing the Alpha title instead of forcing my into a Luna role like most Alphas would have. I know none of this has been easy on him, hearing- Hell, seeing my past has to be torture for him, but he never once complained. He only shows his support for me, and he'll never understand how much that means to me.

We've said the words before, but now I have my mind completely open to him, letting him fully feel the power of my love for him. No longer hiding anything from him, and I never will again.

"I love you too, my little mate." he says "You're my everything, and I can't wait for all of this craziness to pass so we can just be together, and start our family like a proper mated couple."

Silvia purrs in my mind at his mention of starting a family. That's all me and her ever wanted, it's what we dreamed through the beatings as a way to survive. And even though me and him have already fully mated, I can't help the blush that burns my face at this, of course that doesn't go unnoticed by my mate.

"Oh is my mate getting shy? I thought we were past that after last night." He winks and I smack his arm.

"Shut up and get dressed!" I say and walk away. Or try to, I don't get far before he pulls me back in for a kiss. I sigh into him, fully happy and content with him. When he lets me go after a long moment we actually do get dressed and head downstairs where Jason and my mother will be entering the pack house any minute now.

A family. I never thought that could include my mother, but now I have hope. mostly though I'm filled with fear. Who knows what they could have turned her into. I don't have a long time to worry about it though, cuz as my feet hit the last step the front door of the pack house opens and Jason walks through. He walks inside and moves to the side, and behind him is an almost unrecognizable figure. Greasy hair that obviously hasn't been brushed or cut in years, covering a sickly malnourished face that's covered in dirt and bruises. But under all that I see the same woman that raised me. The same woman who told me to run on what I had thought was her dying breath. It's really my mother.

I freeze. I don't know what to do.

Is this where she yells at me, hatred in her voice? Or is this the same mother that tucked me into bed all those years ago?

She looks up, and immediately into my eyes. Then she rushes towards me, tears streaming down her face.

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