Chapter 32

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Maybe he'll just leave us alone from now on. It's been three weeks since we got my mom back, since we've heard from any of the rogues. I know it's a long shot, but maybe he just forgot about me. I never understood his sick obsession with me, so maybe now that he doesn't have my mom there to remind him of me, he'll just let it go. Hopefully.

But for now, we're living happy. My mom and I have become very close, spending everyday with each other, making up for lost time. This of course means she has become close with Liam, he has become very protective of me lately and will barely let me out of his site.

Lucky for me though, my mom loves him. Not surprising, to me at least, he's so charming and respectful towards her it's impossible not to love him. 

Right now me, Lydia and my mom are in the kitchen cooking dinner for the pack. A big job considering we have about 200 members. Usually the Omegas of the pack cook dinner, but we gave them the night off. 

Musics blasting in the kitchen and the three of us dance around and sing while mixing ingredients together. I'm using a mixing spoon as a microphone when I feel hands on my waist. Liam sets his chin on my shoulder and I hear a deep chuckle.

You look very sexy shaking that ass around this kitchen, love. I smile and turn to give him a quick kiss. My mom gives me a knowing look as she cooks. She may not have heard what he said in my mind but I have the feeing she understands. 

I suddenly get a weird feeling in my stomach, and to hide it I push Liam out of the kitchen.

"Out! We're busy and I can't have you distracting me and making me burn dinner." He whines but goes to the living room where more pack member are. Once he's out of earshot I rush to the garbage can and throw up everything I've eaten today. 

This has happened a few time in the past week, and I don't want Liam to worry. Wolves don't get sick, we heal extremely quickly and our immune systems are great, so when a mated she-wolf starts throwing up its pretty obvious why.

My mom and Lydia are staring at me when I turn back to them. They both have sly smiles on their faces and Lydia speaks first,

"Bitchhhh is this what I think it is?" I nod and smile back.

"Yes, I went to the doctor yesterday morning while Liam was in a meeting. He confirmed it." I put a hand on my stomach and smile nervously. I barely know how to take care of myself, how am I going to me a mother? And how is Liam going to react? I know he wants kids in the future, but what if he thinks this is too soon?

Sensing my fears my mother gives me a hug, "He's going to be so excited, honey. Don't worry about it. But you have to tell him soon. You know Wolf pups grow quicker than human babies, and he deserves to be a part of it."

She's right. She-wolfs usually are only pregnant for about six months, and I'm about two weeks pregnant, "I'll tell him tonight." 

They both hug me one more time and congratulate me. I'm happy about having a baby but am super worried about being a good mother.

Don't worry Ember, it's instinct. we'll be fine as long as we have Mate by our side. I smile again. 

You're right, as usual. I tell Silvia.

And don't you forget it! she huffs out. I roll my eyes and turn back to the pack dinner I was cooking.

Liam and I look out at our pack as everyone gets seated for dinner. Once the room has settled down, we give the pack permission to eat, as is traditional. 

As we go to sit down Liam pulls me into his lap instead of letting me take my own seat. I don't complain tho, pregnancy makes me want to always be close to my mate, and I think it's the same way for him even though he's not aware of our situation yet. I think his wolf might have an idea that somethings up tho. I guess I better tell him before his wolf does.

 I have a surprise for you later. I tell him as I bring a piece of chicken to his mouth for him to bite. I don't know why but feeding your mate is very common in wolves. It shows a comfortable, intimate couple.

Really, he says and lets out a low growl. I smack his chest lightly.

Not like that you perv!  Laughing slightly I kiss his cheek. But seriously, I need to talk to you after dinner.

Okay, Love. He sounds slightly worried, but my nonchalant mannor lets him put his worries away as he brings some food to my mouth to eat. 

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