Chapter 9

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A few weeks later

The past couple of weeks have been surprisingly calm. Me and Liam decided that for the safety of my pack it would be best for us to combine our packs. that would have happened eventually anyways seeing as we are mates, so it wasn't too big a deal. Since my pack was smaller we moved over to his territory as he had plenty of space for us.

Typically my title would now be Luna, but since I was an Alpha female before meeting my mate, either title would work for me. I prefer Alpha though, it sounds more badass and is unexpected, which I like. But Liam's members still tend to call me Luna, and I'm okay with that.

Also, we decided to change the pack name to the Blue Moon Pack. We couldn't choose which pack name to stick with, even though his was bigger, my pride wouldn't let me dismiss my pack name like that.

Me and Liam are sitting in our office, when Jason comes crashing through the door. "Alphas. We have a problem. We just received a package, and it has the same handwriting on it as that note that was in your bathroom from the WolfsBane attack."

10 minuets later we had me, Liam, our Betas and a both of our head warriors (Luke from my pack and Rexann from Liam's pack) in the conference room around a meeting table. Jason had brought in the rectangular package that was now sitting in front of me. It was wrapped in brown paper with twine around it keeping it together.

Without allowing myself to overthink it, I grab the package and open it. Under the paper is a box, and laying within the box we see a note laying on top of a bunch of pictures and a CD. I pick up the note and read out loud,

I just wanted to remind you of all the fun times we had together. We had so much fun, but don't worry, we'll be together again soon my Sweetling

Liam suddenly stands from his chair and punches a hole in the wall.

"He is NOT taking you from me. I will kill this twisted little bastard before he EVER lays another hand on you!" I walk over to him and lay a hand on his bicep. He visibly relaxes at my touch, and I lead him back to the table.

"I don't know what we are all about to see in the rest of this box, but I need you to stay calm. I need you with me Liam.." Him wolf wants to take over, and if he gets any more angry he will.
This would be so much easier if we were fully mated, I'd be able to calm him down with our mate link, but I haven't even kissed him yet even though it's been weeks. I'm just not ready.

He sits silently, and I take that as a indication to continue. I nod to Lydia and she reaches in the box to grab out all of the pictures. Everyone grabs some, and when I look at the ones in my hands my whole face goes pale.

The pictures are of me, back when they had me. The one I'm looking at is me with my wrists in chains from the ceiling. In just in a bra and underwear, showing all the bruises and cuts from the beating that just took place. My thighs covered in whip marks that left scars, blood running all around my body. I look unconscious, so it must have been once they ha finished with me for the day.

I faintly hear Lydia throwing up in the background, but I'm too caught up in memories to help her.

"Please. Please just stop." I called out, feeling the whip across my thighs once again.

"No you stupid bitch! But feel free to keep begging, the sound is music to my ears." He laughs. He's been at this for a long time. Cutting me. Carving. I scream as the whip hits again, this time it was enough to make me lose consciousness.

Snapping back to reality I feel someone shaking me. I look up and see Jason in front of me. Lydia has recovered from her initial shock and runs over to hug me. While wrapped up in my best friends arms I couldn't help but think, where is Liam?


Poor Ember. I don't know how to feel about writing violent scene, like I know it's all fake but I still feel bad. Ya know? Lol maybe not 🤣

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