Chapter 13

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"ALPHAS" Jason yells while bursting through our office door. After training we came up here trying to catch up on the pack work that we've been slacking on.

"Wow um, ok I'll just give y'all a minute!" He quickly say and then leaves again. Okay so me and Liam may not have been getting that much work done.

"JASON. Learn how to knock, asshat." Liam yells as I climb off his lap. I readjust my shirt that may have risen up a bit too far during our major makeout session, and once we're all good I pull Jason back into the office.

"What did you need to tells us?" I ask. His eyes go wide.

"Oh yeah! Shit I forgot. We got another creepy stalker message from the creepy mysterious rogue...and we also never finished going over the last one. There's still the video to watch."

I sigh and look to Liam, silently asking him to set up a meeting and get everything going. I so don't have the energy to deal with this today.

His eyes cloud over as he mind links the pack members we need, mainly just the head warriors and Lydia.

10 minuets later we all sit in the conference room, again. This time we have a laptop in front of us, and a letter sitting next to it. The new note. I have an idea,

"Open the new one first. I want to see just how closely he's been watching us." Will he know that we haven't watched the video yet?

I quickly realize the answer to that question once we open the letter.

Ember. What have I said about ignoring me? Remember that lesson? I know you do, as the marks probably are still there.

Anyways, watch that video, or I kill more of your pack members. Never forget, I have my eye on you my Sweetling.

My hand subconsciously goes up to my mouth, while I can't feel these particular scars, I know they're there. The memory pulls me back in.

"You answer me when I talk to you, slut!" His voice yells in my ear. "Now, do you know why I killed your family?" Again, I don't respond. Maybe he'll get sick of me if I don't give him a reaction.

How wrong I was. Instead, he grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks my head up.

"I said you will answer your Alpha when I speak to you!" He smirks, "you don't want to answer, how about I cut off the pretty lip of yours and see if you change your mind."

I go to respond, trying to stop him but it's too late. His knife is at the corner of my bottom lip, cutting. I yank my head away, causing the knife to go down, cutting all the way to my chin.

"I'll answer! I promise! Please. Please just stop." I beg.

When I come back to the present, Liam's arms are around me and Lydia has tear running down her face. Jason is choked up too but manages to clear his throat and explain,

"You, left your pack link open. We...we could see your memory"

Great. Just fucking great. I go into Alpha mode, shutting down any sort of emotion, knowing that if I let this continue I'll quickly fall down into the rabbit hole. I won't let my past control me.

"For years, I have been searching for this Rogue pack. I have been trying to find any hint of who they are and what they want. Trying to be one step ahead of them in case they ever found me. I never could and now it's too late." I say.

Lydia turns to me with an angry expression on her face, "Fuck that! We're not too late, if anything this gives us an advantage. We need to watch that video, and then have our tech hacker work on it to see if there's any clue as to where it came from. We can use this to help us Ember."

"I'll have our patrol doubled and our rooms searched for any hidden cameras, he won have eyes on you for long, Luna." Adds Jason.

I smile gratefully at them. Now for the part I've been dreading for days, the video.

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