Chapter 13 - 'Natasha Don't Slouch'

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Inna POV:

The next morning I wake to Madame B's hand shaking my shoulder. My hand still chained to the bed I sit up facing her.

My bones ache and protest the movements.

Madame B unlocks my hand and grabs me by the shoulder forcing my up of my bed, she holds onto me the entire way. Her nails digging into my skin.

The cold floor biting against my bare feet, soon imprints of blood are left on the floor as the floor goes from the smooth wood that goes through out almost the entire complex to the jagged concrete stairs. The stairs just go on and on.

I am once again on the roof top. A man tries to sneak up from behind me. I snap at him, tearing my shoulder out of Madame B's grip. I run at him and twisting my body around his, landing on my feet while he lands on his side.

"Inna," Madame B warns.

I stop walking towards the man laying on the floor and fiddle with the needle in my hands. As two men come towards me I hand one the needle just for him to push it into my neck.


Third Person POV:

A large man with a brown beard with white in the middle of it sits down at the head of a table in remote Saint Petersburg. He wears a white and red suit, placing a helmet of the same design on the floor next to his chair. He is wearing his 'Red Guardian Suit' however he goes by, Alexi.

Three highly trained assassins sit with him.

One, sits in a chair on the right side of the table. She has black hair, with loose tracksuit like clothing. She goes by the name, Melina.

The second, sits next to Melina, she has blonde hair and is wearing a white version of the Black Widow suit and her vest. She goes by, Yelena.

The last, sits across the table from Melina. She has red hair and wears the same as Yelena only with out the vest. She goes by, Natasha.

"Rise workers of salvation," the man starts singing before scatting.

The women with black hair tied up in a braid looping around her head opens a bottle of alcohol.

"Family," the man speaks once more, Melina starts serving herself some food, from the spread laid out in front of the group, "back together again."

Melina states an elephant in the room, "Seeing as our," she pauses trying to find the right word, "Family construct, was just a calculated ruse that only lasted three years." She turns to the blonde next to her, who is giving her a hurt look. "I don't think that we can use this term anymore," she forces herself to turn away and look at Alexi, "can we?"

Natasha, who is focused on the mission at hand states, "Agreed. So, here's what's gonna happen..." she leans forward in her chair to try and make herself seem important in front of the people she used to call her family all those years ago.

Only to be interrupted by Alexi as he leans over the table in front of her, picking up a plastic container, containing food, blocking her from everyone's view, "Okay. A reunion then, huh?"

He sits back down, "And uh," he starts to speak once more, before pausing and running his hand through his hair, turning to Melina. "I want to say something right of the bat," he leans on the table in front of him, facing Melina. She looks over to him, no longer looking at the blonde.

"You haven't aged a day, huh?"

The red head and blonde give each other disgusted looks, clearly knowing where this is heading, "You're just as beautiful and as supple as the day they staged or marriage. The red head breaks eye contact with her sister and gives Alexi a repulsive look. The two younger girls, highly uncomfortable in the situation they were in.

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