Chapter 18 - The Governments Coming

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Natasha POV:

I watch the helicopter take off, making sure it is safe before turning my attention to my next problem.

A large string of cars makes their way along the gravel path carved into the vast green field now wrecked with the remanence of the Red Room.

I take off my batons backpack and put on Yelena's jacket. I let the backpack sway in my arms before I hear the police sirens. I take off my Widow Bite bracelets. The cavalry's soldiers come out in large groups from vans and armoured vehicles.

I drop the backpack and get on my knees, putting down the Widow Bite Bracelets neatly in front of me before I put my hands behind my head in surrender.

I sit there unfazed at the several guns pointed at me, several soldiers run towards me. I think about all that has happened today, all the destruction, chaos. I stare at a man as he walks slowly towards me, a deadpan look displayed across my face. A stern look on his.

His dark blue suit jacket makes his light blue tie and shirt look less conspicuous. As he comes closer I release my hands from the back of my head, holding them up in surrender before getting up off the ground.

"Romanoff, what the hell happened here?" Secretary Ross asks me.

"The Red Room." I seriously reply.

"The Cold War spooks? They've been gone for years." Ross argues back.

A unblind sound echos across the vast landscape as the last of the Red Room come crashing down. I watch as it collapses into the ground sending up a cloud of smoke and dirt.

"That was what I thought, too," I tell him, almost guiltily. I think about all of the Widows that are across the globe. All of the children, adults, people that I should have saved. And Inna, my child. 

A woman comes up to me, I place my hands out in front of myself. She cuffs me and walks me away from the field and towards the armoured cars.

I watch as they load Antonia onto the back of a truck in a stretcher. "Take care of her," I tell the soldiers. As Ross hobbles behind the woman and I, his cane clearly slowing him down. "She has been through more than all of us."

Ross just gives me a confused look as we continue walking. I climb into the back of the armoured car I was sure to be taken in. My hands are still cuffed in front of me.

The lock clocks behind me, I sit on the bench situated along the side of the car. Ross climbs into the front of the car, it is being separated by a metal grid, before the entire cavalry takes off .

I bounce against the cold metal seat as we go back down the paved path.

"The Red Room, under the radar all these years." He says, almost as if thinking out loud but defiantly pinning the blame on me. I look at him, or rather the back of his head. "I can't imagine how much damage they've done," he continues, making eye contact with my via the rearview mirror. "And you took them down all on your own." He says, not complimenting my rather accusing me.

"I had some help," I reply.

"Who?" He asks.

"I'm just being humble," I lie to him, not wanting anything to inconvenience what Yelena, Melina and Alexi would do, "it was all me."

"I'm realising it's impossible to ever know who you really are." Ross tells me through the rearview mirror. I bow my head, "I mean, to me, you're a turncoat assassin, but then you go and save the world." I look at him, not wanting to draw attention to my hands as they creep inside one of the many pockets of the vest. "When the world wants to lock you up. It's simply impossible to know whoever side you're on." Ross counties as I pull a Bobby pin from the vest pocket.

I shrug at him, "You and I have that in common."

I twist my hand, putting the Bobby pin in the keyhole of the cuffs as Ross babbles on. "What is that old saying? 'You can't go home again.'"

I don't hear what he says next as I exit the vehicle, running into the bushes to hide from view.

2 Weeks Later...

I sit on the grass, waiting for Natasha to show. Yelena, Melina and the man Alexi had long gone, going with the other Widows to free everyone.

The man I had been left with long into his sleep. I just sat there looking around me at the wide-open field and the trees enclosing the space.

I tucked one of my long strands of red hair behind my ear as I hear a motorbike's engine come closer and closer.

A woman gets off the motorcycle, taking her helmet off to reveal short white like blonde hair. She gives me a small smirk, walking towards us, I recognise the vest she is wearing. I smile back at her.

"Hi... Inna." She says, smiling as she got closer, seeing the man snoring away. 

I look down as the man, Natasha, gives him a small kick in the legs. He wakes up fritened, his whole body tensing before realising who it is.

"You ever not sleep?" Natasha asks.

As Mason gets ups he answered her sly question, "I've been in six different time zones in three days because of you." He starts to walk away from us. I walk next to Natasha.

"Oh really?' Nat asks.

"Yeah," Mason says mildly annoyed.

"What, are you scraping together some parts? What'd you get me this time, like, an upside-down lawnmower?" Nat asks.

What did he get her last time? I furrow my eyebrows in deep thought.

Then Mason points across the field to a smart-looking jet. We stop walking, "You see what I can get you with a bit of time and money?" Mason more tells Natasha than asking her.

Natasha stands there shocked for a second, she turns her head several times between Mason and the jet.

"Go on, say it. I wanna hear it. It would be really good for me to hear it. Really."

"I'm impressed," Natasha tells him, a smirk resting on her lips.

"Well, yeah." He nods his head.

"You've always been a really good friend to me."

"That's what every man wants to hear. Where you gonna go?" He asks Natasha.

"It's funny. My whole life, I didn't think I had any family. Turns out I got two so..." Nat takes a deep breath, "One of them's a bit of a mess right now. I'm gonna go break a few of them out of prison see if I can't help patch things up."

I follow her as we walk away from Mason and towards the jet. "Has Melina, Yelena and Alexi got stuck in prison already?" I ask her confused. 

"No," She replies smiling as we walk along the grass. "We are going to go and see my other family."

We reach the jet, I look up at it as the back door opens, "How much money did you give him?" I ask. Natasha just chuckling in response. 

I sit in the passenger seat on the jet, Natasha taking the wheel. I wave at Mason as the jet raise into the sky before shooting off.

I look over at Natasha, giving her a small smile as I look out the window and watch the world fly by.


Hello, so that is the end of the Black Widow movie, (That is set in 2016) so... the next stage shall begin. 

Any votes, comments and questions are highly appreciated!

Have the best rest of your day/night/whenever you are reading this. 

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