Not An Update!

1.1K 15 1

(1k November 8th 2021) (10k February 1st 2022) (15k March 15th 2022) (20k! April 19th 2022)

(I am going to update this whenever we reach a milestone instead of interrupting your reading (I hope that is ok)) Hi!

Thank you all so much for reading this book. It is my first book that has ever taken off and I am, least to say, proud of it. I never thought it would take off like it has. You have all helped me so much to get to this stage and I can't begin to explain how happy you have made me simply by reading this. This book was made out of just a thought I had after the Black Widow movie and I never thought that it would turn into the book you see today. The confidence boost you have given me has helped in my day to day life. I could not be any more thankful for you all. 

You all have made my day so much better and I hope this book has done something similar for you!

I hope you all have the best rest of your day/night/whenever you are reading this! <3

Natasha's KidTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang