Chapter 51

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28th November 

I woke up refreshed. I had slept comfortably the previous night even though I was well aware that Ethan was in that room too. What calmed me down was that he pulled the duvet for me. He didn't mean to harm me. People say souls turn evil after death, but it clearly didn't apply to Ethan. He was as kind after death as he was when living. 

Mom had prepared breakfast and dad, as usual was sipping on his coffee while switching between news channels. Everything was normal to them because they didn't know a ghost was living in our house. 

"No office?" I asked dad and he looked at me questioningly before reminding me it was a Saturday.

"That's what I've been talking to you about." Mom marched out of the kitchen while wiping her hands dry with a hand towel. She was talking to dad.

Not again, mom.

"It's nothing to worry about. We're all absent minded sometimes, aren't we Gwen?" Dad asked me.

"Please, can we stop talking about me? Why are you both so worried?" I asked.

"We don't-" Mom started off but the doorbell interrupted her. I wanted to escape their nagging anyway so I went to get the door.

"What do you want?" I frowned upon seeing Stace at my doorstep.

"I'm really really sorry. I need to tell you something-" She stuttered," Look I-"

"Nope, I'm not having any of your shit. Get lost." I attempted to close the door but she held onto it tightly and pulled it back open," I'm leaving!" She shouted.

"That's a great news for me." I said.

"There are a few things I need to tell you, please listen to me-" She said before turning back at the Tesla that  was waiting for her at the road.

"Speak up." I said.

"First, I'm sorry I texted Mr. Cooper as you and told him about Edwin hitting Ethan-"

"You did what?!" I yelled," How dare you do that Stace? Do you know how I paid that off because of your one dumb move? All you've ever done is get me in trouble and I'm so glad that you're going!" 

"I- I know and I'm sorry- One more thing...I heard the whispers too. T-They kept saying one word." She said.

"What?" I asked a little seriously.

"Gwen." She said, looking at me intensely," They called your name. I tried your number many times but you'd blocked me. I thought I was going insane. I couldn't dare to step out of the house for two days. Mom suggested that we should move to Canada where these sounds might stop and my step dad's running his business there. I guess I'll never come back. I'm so sorry Gwen. I couldn't meet Elijah because I thought he would think I was crazy. Please, tell him that I'm sorry and it's the end for us. Will you do that for me?" She asked softly and slipped a piece of paper with a phone number scribbled on it, in my palm.

I knew what she went through. I nodded, enclosing the paper into my fist.

"I don't know what else to say as my last words to you. But, be careful." She said and lunged forward for a hug but I trudged back, not letting her touch me.

"Please?" She requested," One last time?"

"You should leave."  I shut the door and pressed my back against it. I wished I could tell her that the sounds wouldn't trouble her anymore and she didn't have to move away. But I was equally mad at her and didn't want to speak to her anymore. Once again, I became a loner.

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