Chapter 77

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Awkward. Several pairs of eyes were staring at me while I ate my sandwich. With them looking at me in awe, I could hardly swallow my food. It was a typical movie scene when everyone couldn't digest the fact that the school hunk was dating a nerd. I kind of missed Stace at that moment because she would've made it less awkward for me by sitting with me, although I didn't expect her to sit with me after knowing I was dating Edwin. 

I was wondering what they were surprised about - That a nerd like me was dating him or that someone was dumb enough to fall for that arrogant stud.

Emma, my desk-mate, along with her few girl-friends walked past my table, whispering to each other and giving me judgmental looks. I happened to hear one of them say 'She's not even hot.' when she walked away.

I formed my hand into a fist and suppressed the anger inside me, telling myself it was no big deal and I didn't care. I didn't want to date him anyway, so it didn't matter if I was good enough to stand next to him or not.

Suddenly, Edwin occupied the space beside me on the bench, brushing his shoulder against mine.

"Look what I've saved you as." He showed me his phone screen. My number was saved as 'Girlfriend' in his phone.

I shifted away from him while sipping my drink.

"What was that?" He asked a little seriously so I looked up at him," What's what?" and realized I was almost talking the way he did. I flinched at that and quickly covered up," We're dating?"

"That shouldn't come as a question." He said.

"We just went out together," I gulped before I completed my sentence, not sure if I should've said it or not," That doesn't mean we're in a relationship."

"We kissed and went out on a date." 

"But- Edwin, a relationship is so much more than that." I explained.

"Aren't you making me mad now?" He raised an eyebrow and I knew it was the end of my life, yet my mouth wouldn't stop talking.

"This is why I avoid you." I spoke," You're going to force me again, right?"

"Fine I won't." He gave me a nudge on my shoulder," Why did you want to meet me?"

Did he actually say 'Fine I won't' ?

I sighed with relief before I explained him the problem with Tyler.

"I'll talk to him." He said and leaned closer," And Gwen, if you're thinking about cheating on me..."

"Why would I dare to?!" I laughed to make it less serious because when Edwin gets serious, things get tough for me.

"Just to let you know...In order to stop you from thinking such things, I'll crush...this pretty head of yours." He said, pressing his finger tip against my head right in the middle," Literally."

I stayed motionless as he stood up and left the canteen.

"Your brother just gave me a death threat." I murmured," Of course you're not here when you should be."

"I am here."

I almost jumped out of my skin. Without saying a word, I picked up my sandwich and left the canteen.

I thought it was better to eat in the classroom than being stared at. Edwin was just a guy, dating a girl, and still everyone was making a big deal out of it. And we weren't even dating...yet.

I plopped on my chair, chewing on the soft bread while staring out of the window. I had left the window half open to allow cool breeze to enter. I wanted winters to be over. The days were dull and depressing, the nights were lonely and cold. I liked spring better. I liked sitting on the warm and dewy grass. I liked watching Ethan draw sketches under the warmth of the sun and the brightness of the sky. I liked the scenery of his smile and the way his smile made me smile without even realizing it. 

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