Chapter 98

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Ten days later (Present) –

The environment was lively, with people laughing and enjoying with their families. Seeing others happy, I cracked a smile, thinking of someone. Maybe, he too would have laughed like this if he was here. After all, he liked this place.

Sitting on the bench alone with a candy floss, I stared and stared at the sky. My phone buzzed in my long coat's pocket.

Elijah : It's difficult to find you these days
Elijah : Where are you?

I sighed and put it back inside my pocket. I needed more time to move on from what happened. I needed more time to care for myself. But, even though I was trying to move on, I wasn't trying to forget. I was only thinking more about it, about the two brothers who died a timeless death.

The phone buzzed again and I pulled it out irritably, thinking it was Dad this time, asking me what I was doing out at 11PM.

Elijah : Even though it's difficult
Elijah : I'll always find you

With a tap on my shoulder, Elijah appeared, wearing warm clothes and the muffler I gave him.

"So this is your hideout?" He smiled," Not bad."

I stood up and hugged him. He reciprocated the hug, rubbing my upper back slowly, trying to soothe me as my face flushed red because I was crying again.

"I'm not here alone." Elijah said. I retrieved and looked at him cluelessly. And then Mrs Frost appeared.

"We did it!" She squealed happily and hugged me. After that, she showed me an article on her phone about Ethan Miler not  committing suicide but being killed by Howard Miler, who also killed his second son, Edwin Miler. With that, the Miler foundation collapsed.

"This is..." I covered my mouth as I cried with happiness.

"This is all with your help. We presented the phone recording as evidence. I also gave a statement that Ethan never visited a counselor, and a random person was paid money to lie that he was depressed to make it look like suicide." Mrs Frost explained.

"The world will no longer think of Ethan as a coward." Elijah added.

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