Chapter 59

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There were a handful of students, sitting on the floor and designing posters. I asked them to litter as least as possible because I was the one who had to leave backstage clean. I then went on to the corner, where eleven banners were stashed, leaning against the wall. The material was polyester, but the frame of banners was made of Iron and they weighed heavier than expected. I could only carry two at a time, so I lifted two of them, tucked them under my armpit and walked out the back door, which led to the Prop Room upstairs.

As if the banners weren't heavy enough, the crowd caused more problems. I had to scream my lungs out to ask them to move out of my way. The Prop Room was the last room in the corridor. Since all the props that were needed were already on the main stage, there was no one in the Prop Room. The door was wide open, but all I could see was darkness. 

I turned the lights on and looked for a perfect place to keep the banners safely. They weren't completely useless. They could be reused on the next Prom with a little modifications. I had to make sure they wouldn't be altered and scratched while taking out other props, so I took them behind a shelf that was loaded with balloon packets, party poppers, ribbons and other decorative items. 

It took me thirty minutes to carry the banners to the Prop Room two at a time. I was keeping the last two banners with the rest, when I saw a shadow, casting through the door and over the banners. I turned behind and gasped. The person I didn't want to be there, was standing at the doorway with an arrogant smirk.

Even his presence caught me off guard every time.

"Having a hard time working?" 

"None of your concern." I said, my feet glued on the tiled floor.

"Come home with me." He said.

"Edwin for fuck's sake-" I sighed," Are you okay? Because I think you really need to see a doctor."

"I have been patient for twenty four hours." He ambled towards me, with a proud smile for making a dumb joke.

"Just, what is all this about? What patience? What date? I don't understand." I said, trying to make him think of an answer so that he would stop walking towards me but he inched me before I could even finish my sentence. I barely reached his chin. He looked taller as he towered over me.

"I've got you a dress. Be my prom date." He asserted and it was clearly not a choice given to me, but an only option.

"You can't force me into a relationship." I said.

"You've seen what my force is. This is normal for me." He said and held my chin, pressing his thumb hard and raised my face higher towards his," I love this fear on your face." He said before sliding his hand from my chin to the back of my neck and pulling me in for a kiss. He pressed his lips forcefully on mine. My eyes were wide open in surprise. His other hand gripped my bare waist and the moment his cold fingers rested on mine, I got goosebumps. I felt myself pulling away but his grip was strong on me. My heart was beating with uncertainty and terror. I let out a small, irritated moan and he let go of me. I panted heavily as I stepped away from him and recollected what just happened. I felt the anger rise inside of me, but I couldn't face him.

"Stole your first, I guess?" He teased me.

"Fuck you!" I clenched my jaw and walked out of the room. I was speechless. I wanted to punch him in the face but I was so flustered that I couldn't do anything. I felt a big loss inside of me which I couldn't retrieve.

An unethical bastard took away my first kiss. 

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