Chapter 1

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Bellas pov

I squeeze the ends of my big pink hoodie and hide my hands in the sleeves.
I crunch my face. Ughh. I should've worn a different colour. A pale grey one. Or a black one. One that's not that noticeable. One that doesn't catch the eye. One that just melts together with the crowd. One where I can just be vanished. NOT PINK.
I don't like strangers eyes on me. I'm not the kind of girl whose an eye catcher, but still...the most people will look at a bright spot in the crowd.
My hands start to sweat and I rub them on my jeans.
Then I adjust my glasses and start walking towards my new high school.'s my first day on this school. My family and I moved new to this town. This is the first time we moved away because my mom got a good job offer. And we need that money. And yep...that's the reason why we live in a small house. Which is nearly shattered so there's much work to do... I'll help my dad straight after school. I even begged my mom if I could just stay home the next few days but she strictly refused.

I enter the doorway and already many loud voices are streaming into my face.
I try to hide in my hoodie and walk fast down the hallway. I don't even know where I'm walking to but there are too many people in here I've never seen!
I try to run to my class....which room? In which room was my lesson?! Was number 135! Yeah!
And bamp.
I wheel around.
Someone was holding my arm.
I was so perplexed that I just tried to pull my arm away. Then the grip tightened and I hear a deep chuckle and I feel my cheeks getting even redder. He's laughing at me! I don't dare to look up.
,,Hey!'' He laughs again ,,Look at meee'' He teases me.
,,Hey Luke, let her go, don't mess with these kind of girls'' I hear a other deep voice laughing. Probably his friend.
,,I just wanted to say that she was nearly walking against the wall!'' I hear him answering while slowly releasing my arm.
Why am I like this! Can't I just react like a normal person?! Why do I have to react this anxious? I'm just making the situation even more embarrassing!!

The laughing gets quieter and quieter and I finally manage to look up. My eyes catch two bodies in the hallway walking away from my direction. Was it them?
My view is stuck on one of them. I can only see their backs, but...I can't look away. It's just a back but it's beautiful. He has bright shoulders, he's tall, he has beautiful caramel shining hair. He looks as if he jumped off of a model magazine. Even his way of walking is elegant.
I keep stare at him when suddenly the bell rang.
Oh. I'll be late.
So I continue searching my classroom and found it upstairs.
I hold on the doorknob and let a heavy breath out.
Everything's gonna be alright everything's gonna be alright.

I gather my "a bit existing courage" and enter the room.

Everyone was already sitting and some of them start whispering.
I tried to scan the room for a empty seat as fast as I can and avoid looking in the people's faces when I hear steps behind my back.
,,Oh! Bella Jardine it's you right?"
I turn around and see my teacher. A small thin man with no hair on his head.
He gives me a nice smile.
Ok let's do this Bella!
,,U-Uhm Yes!"
,,I'm Mr.Campbell and I'll be you tutor and history teacher. Can you introduce yourself too?" He asks while putting his leather bag on his desk.
,,But turn to your classmates please!" He mentions.
Oh god.
I turn around and look in the round. And...I know I can't do this...But I have to! I can't allow myself to destroy this moment otherwise I'll destroy the rest of my school life! I overthinking?! Doesn't matter!!
,,Bella?" Mr.Campbell asks.

,,O-Oh! Yeah"

Laugher from the class.
Fuck fuck fuck

,,My name is Bella!" I say with a probably tomato red face.
,,And? Only your name?" Mr.Campbell asks irritated.
,,Ehm..I'm moved from Shanklin and...I'm glad to be here"
,,Why did you move to here?" A boy from the class shouts.
,,I- my mom got an job offer..." I say and look to the floor.
Mr.Campbell claps proudly on my shoulder and points with his finger to an empty seat in the last row of the classroom.
I walk towards it and sit silently down.

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