Chapter 6

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Bellas's pov

It's 7.40 am right now and I'm literally screaming. I can't go to school and I can't even think about entering the hallways ever again. I was always quite dramatic but this is actually cause enough to overreact. I can't go to school! No!
Suddenly my ringtone tears me away from my thoughts.

-are you ready? I'm waiting here downstairs for 30 minutes now.

Yeah nevermind. Then let's go to school huh.
I grab my backpack while crying inside.
When I opened my front door, Luke was leaning on his red car, hands in his jeans pockets and with his leather jacket. I don't know much about cars but I can instantly tell that this isn't the kind of car everyone can afford.

I walk toward him with my black trousers and pink hoodie. And as everyday my ponytail.
,,Oh hey!'' he looks up and smiles brightly. Then he opens me the door and I just silently sit down. I never sat in a car like this but I try to hide my excitement.

We drive in silence to school but I can feel that he often looks my way. But I still try to ignore it and just looked the whole drive out of the window. I don't understand why he wants us to work. It doesn't even makes sense that he may likes me 'that way'. With how handsome he looks he could have anyone. But ME? Why me?

,,We're here.'' He breaks the silence and I unconsciously flinch as I was so absorbed in my thoughts. So I instantly grab my door to open it, when he suddenly grabs my arm and looks me hopefully in my eyes. I fall back into my seat and ask him maybe a bit too harshly "What".

,,It-It's just too early, don't you think so? School starts in 15 minutes so let's just wait here together.'', he says while nervously going through his hair.
I have a feeling our roles are somehow reversed, I mean him nervous and me harsh? The thought alone makes me chuckle.

So I lean my head back to the seat and look up to the cars roof. ,,The...How are you?'' I try to start a conversation, cause I can't deal with stressful silence in the morning.

"I-I'm good, thanks. And you?" Great, now we're having small talk.

I take a deep breath and as soon as my mouth opens the words just burst out of my mouth ,,Oh yeah I'm fine too! I just move to town and a weird guy wants to be friends with me. A couple of days later I was nearly killed by a car and now someone tries to make me in love with him. Yeah. I'm fine''

Ups- I shouldn't have said this.

"I'm sorry, this was so rude of me. I should go now." After saying so I try to open the door again but it's locked.
I try again to open it, as if it would change anything but I know I can't do anything from now on. I slowly turn back and lock eyes with Luke.

"I know this is probably not what you hoped for when you moved here. And I'm sorry, but I really want to get to know you and make us work."

I catch fear in his face and can't interpret it ,,Y-yeah it's okay, you know? Just...Just open the door please.'' " I need to hear from you that you will at least try to understand me. Please. " He sounds really desperate.

,,Yeah I understand you Luke''
,,No! You don't mean it. You just want me to open the door'' He's right. Only partly though. It feels like I know everything of him even though we only met. Sounds silly but I want to understand him. I want to make us work. To date. There is the perfect guy sitting in front of me. But on the other side I'm scared.

Luke's Pov:
I don't understand why i feel this desperate. As if I would fall apart if she doesn't accept me. I just HAD to lock her.or else she would go away from me. But i know I can't keep her locked up in my car like that. School starts in a few minutes and I'm positive she doesn't want to skip the first couple of periods.

,,Luke'' I raise surprised my eyes and meet hers. She places her hand gently on mine and I tense by her soft warm touch. „I won't run away from you just because you open the doors. We can go to class together, sit next to each other and slowly get to know the other one." She sounds so sincere I can't help but hug her.

,,What the-'' she burst out full of confusion. ,,What are you doing?''
Of course she doesn't hug me back. My heart aches but it's understandable as we only no each other for one day. I will wait for her to hug or even kiss me first. I'm sure it will happen.

I slowly release her, feeling the loss and already missing her body in my arms. That's so crazy. What's wrong with me. i never acted or thought like that. My uncles would laugh at me if they saw me now. All flustered because of some girl i believe I knew a long time ago.

After I release her she looks flustered to the ground and I can't hold my amusement back. I unlock the door and she hectically jumps out of the car.

I run up next to her and to my surprise she takes my hand and squeezes it. It's only a moment later I understand why. Brandon was standing in the center if the hall.

I clench my jaw, trying to suppress my anger, when I feel Bellas hand squeezing mine. I don't know if from her own fear of Brandon or if she tries to hold me back. But whatever it is, it works. Each others presence helps us both. We just walk past him, completely ignoring his presence.

"Luke! Is that what your into now? Didn't know someone could fall so low. That thing looks like a dog more than your girl. I'm sure she will drop your ass the moment someone more handsome or richer than you gives her a little bit attention."

,,YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE'' I form my fists and intent to walk towards Brandon when I catch Bella standing on tip toe and whispered in my ear ,,He isn't worth it.''

I blush by her move and her soft voice still tickles in my ear when she pulls away again.  She walks away without saying anything anymore and I can't help but grin from ear to ear. I look at Brandon and walk next to him and whisper so quietly I'm sure Bella won't be able hear.

"You know you should just shut up. I don't care about you or what you thing, but if you cherish your life you will stay away from Bella and look down on your boots whenever you are near her. Don't talk to her or look her in the eye. I will kill everyone you care about and then I will cut off all your limbs until you slowly die a really  painful death." I tell him in my most calm and threatening tone of voice.

Brandon flinches back and I walk proudly away, reaching Bella. I don't remember the last time I just walked away from people who go on my nerves like this. Brandon would've been dead by now.

But weirdly he isn't. And somehow that makes me proud.
,,Thank you'', I hear from next to me.
,,For what?'' I ask Bella surprised.
,,For not causing a scene. I can imagine how hard it must be to ignore his provocation. Even I had to grit my teeth. How hard must it have been for you then?''

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