Chapter 7

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Bellas POV:

I wasn't scared of him when he yelled at Brandon. Somehow I'm proud of how laid back I dealt with the situation. But I know that he can be more violent too, so I actually should be scared. Now he brings me to my classroom because I have in a different class as him.

"I'll pick you up again, so don't run anywhere and wait here." He says and surprises me when he bent down and kisses my cheek. "W-W-Wh-What a-are y-you d-doing?!"
,,Just givin you a good-bye kiss, why?'' he laughs at me.

I hold my cheek with my hand and just enter paralysed the classroom. I must be as red as a tomato right now. I'm so emmersed in my thoughts I don't even realise until I sit down how everyone is looking at me and then whispers follow.
Ah I'm used to this already...So I just stay silently on my seat, and the lesson starts.

After the lesson I wanted to grab my backpack and leave the room, when suddenly someone approaches me. A black haired boy who I had the lesson with smiles at me ,,Hey, my name is Nick''.

That's super strange, why's he talking to me out of nowhere? "Eh- Hey?" I try to smile but I guess it looks more like a grimace as he chuckles lightly. He's really pretty when he laughs. Not handsome but pretty like a flower.

"Did you understand what the teacher explained? The thing with algebra. I just saw you looking real confused and helpless there.''
Right...Nick is the top student in math.
,,Oh! Uhm..actually not really. No''
"Then how about I teach you? As you probably already know I'm really good at math."

"Why would you? Not to sound rude or anything but we aren't friends or know each other at all." Did this sound rude? Oh my it totally did, what's wrong with me being so suspicious of a person that only wants to help. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way"
,,Ohh haha that's okay.'' He scratches nervously his neck with his hand and laughs ,,You're right of course. I thought maybe you wanna become friends?''
As soon as he finishes his sentence someone grabs me from behind harshly and I nearly fall down. But someone catches me midair and lifts me up. I look up and look in Luke's furious face. "Stop talking to her Nick. That's my girl." What he saying makes me so embarrassed my face turns red. "You should let her down first, she seems uncomfortable." How can Nick talk so calmly with the way Luke glares at him?

Lukes pov

I look in Nicks face and and clench my jaw. This asshole really think he's something. And his calm face...FUCK. I wanna punch it.

,,Luke what is it?'' Bella sounds somehow nearly crying and confused. Fuck. I scared her again. I need to change the topic." I want to show you something after school today, alright? The next class is about to start so let's go."

I let her down slowly and grab her hand and walk away. From the corner of my eye I can see her mouthing sorry and then waving at him. Fuck. I need to keep calm so I walk a little faster.

,,Where are we going? Can you slow down please?''
I look back and realise I'm walking too fast for her, she literally had to start jogging like a puppy. Somehow that's really adorable and I can't help but to kiss her on the cheek again. "Can you imagine how jealous I get when you just look at another guy? Just look at me. Please."

Later on I'm sure I Will be embarrassed about begging but whatever. "Luke, you know we're not dating yet right? You have no right in being jealous or kissing me or calling me your girl!"

I tense back of this reality facing me. She's right. But I can't stop thinking that she's mine. And that I'm sure that she'll STAY mine. Cause I won't let happen something different. I got the perfect idea. "Let's go on a date first how does this sound?"

She looks taken back at first like she was expecting everything but not this. "Where?" she finally asks.
,,How about a nice restaurant?''
She furrows her eyebrows and seems to think. And I think she doesn't like the idea.

,,Let's go somewhere where no people are. I'm not a much social person.''
Yeah I know that.
,,Yeah let's do that.''
I already know what we'll do.
We stand in front of the class and I tell her to go in first, I pull out my phone and call one of my men to prepare everything. I never was much of a romantic but I really am proud of my idea.

The whole lesson I thought about he date. My men already prepared everything. We just have to drive there.
After school I pick her up from her classroom as we didn't have the last class together and we walk towards our car. I hold a few feet between us because I'm sure I could not not touch her if we were nearer. I open her door for her and she thanks me quietly with a smile on her face. I should always act like a gentleman toward her. I walk around my car and get into the driver seat.

The whole drive there was silence in the car. But not the awkward kind of silence. I was amused the whole time. How she looked curious out of the window with her big eyes and I couldn't hold my grin back.
I parked at a silent spot and we jumped out of the car. ,,Luke, where are we?''

,,You wanted a quiet place'' I wink at her.
"Do you plan on murdering me at some place no one will find my body?" She says after I take her hand and start walking and I can't help but laugh at her way of thinking and her terrified expression afterwords.

"You're so adorable." She blushes real hard at that and I can't help but think she's perfect. I won't lie I swear I just felt butterflies in my stomach.
,, Look, we're here.'' I point with my finger to a spot hidden behind big trees. There lies a big blanket and a basket. My men did a really good job this place- "It looks like a painting." I was astonished for a moment about how she just said what I was about to think out loud. We really are the perfect match.

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