Chapter 34 - Goodbyes are hard (PART 1)

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" What!? Grandpaa is here? " I asked surprised

" Yes, it is the first time in years that he has traveled somewhere. Since Asher's mum went into a coma, he had completely given up on his love for traveling anywhere.." Ujala exclaimed making the bed of the guest bedroom where grandpaa will be staying.

" How come he came here? I remember once Asher bhai tried to bring him here but he refused. He said something about not ever returning to the place that took his daughter away. " Sarah asked dusting the windows once again as grandpa can't stand any dust.

" When he heard about Zaaf's disease spreading like fire. He booked the very first flight without giving it a second thought and came here. He knew no one can console her but him." Ujala wiped her tears again

" He did the right thing! When doctors told Zaaf Api that.. she might not make it.. until.. New Year, her cancer has progressed tremendously to the rest of the body and... the chemo sessions have stopped working. She was shattered to the point where she didn't even shed a single tear or utter a single word. She left the doctor's room and silently walked back to the car. Shanzay and I tried to console her, talk to her, or even made her drink some water but she was still like a rock, emotionless and cold until we reached home. " Sarah broke while recalling the horrific night.

Ujala rubbed Sarah's back to console her.

" Shanzay didn't wait a moment longer after receiving the news, he quickly called grandpa from the hospital and told him everything. Grandpa is such a strong man, I know the news must've broken him but he remained calm and practical and made the right call at the right minute. I know he and Asher must be crying their heart out at the airport right now so they can appear all strong and sorted in front of Zaaf. " Ujala sighed heavily, letting her head drop.

My chest tightened thinking about Asher. I feel like a horrible person for worrying about Asher's mental state more than anyone.

He must be so torn and stressed, his head must be hurting because of being up all night and worrying about Zaaf. At times like these, he must feel so lonely too. I wish to do everything and anything in my capacity to make things easy for him. I want him to feel better, my heart weeps for him.

This might be the first time when I have those genuine wife instincts of protecting my husband. I know he's NOT MINE but I feel like being all his.

Ugh, I hate myself, I need to be there for Zaaf and not Asher.

" I think they're here!" Sarah announced looking out of the window.

" C'mon let's welcome grandpa" Ujala quickly fluffed the pillows and ran outside.

"Coming!" I responded to Ujala as she and Sarah left to welcome grandpa.

Does grandpa know about Ujala being pregnant with Asher's child?

Does he know they're getting married and I'd be divorcing Asher soon?

He once told me about his men being everywhere and updating him about our lives.

How can he stay quiet knowing everything?

Or maybe he's supporting whatever is going on since Ujala is her own blood, not me.

Maybe when he explained to me all about soulmates that day, he meant Ujala and Asher while I was being referred to as a " Test " in Asher's life.

I felt a little crushed but suddenly it occurred to me what a selfish bitc* I was being.

Grandpa got such devastating news which has brought him here and while the whole family is mourning for Zaaf, here I am worrying about my stupid problems.

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