Chapter 19 - Amendments

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"And I've also collected the past three years data of the company.The rest of legal advisors have already issued notice on the matter ... Asher?" Shanzay paused.
"Asher are you even listening to me?" Shanzay suddenly taps my shoulders.

"huh? Yeah yeah .. I was definitely listening to you." I quickly rub my eyes.

"Ahan? So what was I saying?" Shanzay questioned.

"You were saying something about the new investors." I was confident enough with my answer until Shanzay's jaw hit the ground and I realised I wasn't listening after all.

"I was talking about the investors an hour ago, Asher.You are clearly sleeping with your eyes open." Shanzay spoke with disappointment.

"Shanzay, I'm sorry buddy.There is so much going on in my life right now that I'm finding it impossible to concentrate on work.I think I need some coffee." I try to reason.

"No, All you need is lots of sleep !! Your eyes are red and your tear gland seem to have some leakage problem due to which you appear like a teenage guy who just got dumped." Shanzay joked.

"Ha ha .. not funny shanzay."

"I wasn't being funny .. I was being honest.But really .. what is wrong? You seem so distressed about something.I expected you to be happy about my transfer here in dubai from Sharjah but you seem to care the least about it." He complains.

"Yeah I am happy about it.Though I'm still confused as to why you moved in here? I thought you liked Sharjah better than dubai so why the change of mind?" I inquired.

"Well, maybe something drew me here.I wanted to be able to see that something daily." He smiles warmly.

"And that something is?"

"You will know soon brother but right now I want you to tell me what is wrong with you?" Shanzay inquired.

"Everything is wrong Shanzay."

"Is it about Anaya? Don't worry , she'll be fine soon.She's a very brave girl." Shanzay tries to comfort me.

"No .. it is not just about what happened to Anaya.I'm afraid there's alot more to come in her way other than what has already happened. And not just Anaya .. everyone. Each and every person who is connected to me is in danger right now or have already gotten hurt." I admitted.

"What do you mean? Who else is in danger or have gotten hurt?" Shanzay asked worriedly.

"You won't believe Shanzay what happened with Abi Raziya.That basta** have wounded her in more ways than we can imagine." I spoke bitterly.

"Yeah .. she was so scared of what happened with Anaya that she even got a heart attack .. poor woman." Shanzay sympathized.

"Nooo !! This is not it. Abi Raziya has gone through much more and worse than that. I got a hold of Abi Raziya's phone and there were several calls from an unknown number and also some texts about Anaya's whereabouts.There were also some texts with timings and different locations and from what I've gathered Anaya were on some of these exact places with Abi Raziya as if someone was instructing her to bring Naaya there.This is not it .. I just got to know that Abi Raziya's son was kidnapped a few weeks ago .. Believe me or not but all of this is some how connected and Abi Raziya was used in Armaghan Ibrahim's vicious plans." I tried to calm my nerves but wasn't able to.

"Oh my God .. Your father is a disgusting man." And this phrase was enough to boil my blood again.

"For the last time Shanzay .. that excuse for a human being is not my father !! This isn't funny anymore." I scolded.

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