Chapter 09 - A brief Hug

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I ran as fast as I could .. I didn't know where I was going , I had no clue what place it is .. I was just mindlessly running to where ever the roads would take me to.

After a good 30 minutes run I was welcomed by a dead end. I mean, it was not exactly a dead end but a broken huge wall infront of me. It had huge cracks and a big hole in it. I could either go back on the main road and try to look for a police station and ask for help there or maybe cross this wall through the gigantic hole in it and see whats on the opposite side of this wall .. maybe I could find some help there. I can't walk so openly on the streets of dubai when I know alot of people are after me.

Again'st my better judgement I crawl through the huge hole to the other side of the wall and start looking for some source of light.It was pretty dark at the other side of the wall and I could just see trees and some more trees and alot more trees.

I keep on moving ahead, passing by each tree when finally I saw a source of light at the far end of this place.I start moving fast towards that source of light.There were finally no trees anymore just plain ground hence I could easily move now .. the light was dim but atleast I could see a little.

I was trying my best to reach that source of light as fast as I could when suddenly I stumble upon something and trip on my way. I land straight on some hard cold object causing me to curse instantly. Looking up angrily at the thing which caused me to trip, I realize it was some kind of stone. No not just some stone infact it had some curving done on it. It's hard to understand what that thing was. Upon focusing my vision on the stone I realized it had something written on it.

It said "In the loving memory of Habib Murad son of Shamoor Murad"

What does it mean?

I look around myself and notice several more such stones.

What is this place?

Oh boy !

Realization hit me hard and I instantly get on my feet and look around.


My heart sank instantly with fear and while screaming as loud as I could I start running towards that source of light I was previously trying to reach.

On nearing it, I realize its the entrance door of the graveyard which has a single light bulb hanging above it. It also hit me how far still I am from the main door .

I try to run as fast as I could but was unable to avoid those stupid thoughts crossing my mind.

What if I've waken a dead soul?

What if someone is following me?

What if suddenly a hand erupts from a grave and hold my feet?

What if the door of the graveyard shut close itself?

The last one made me scream louder than before. As loud as I could, I can already predict my tonsils bursting any moment. I dont want to die out of fear.

I run with all my might , as if my life is at risk, finally when I reach the graveyard door .. someone grabs my wrist causing me to trip.

Oh noo ..

I guess I've literally waken a dead soul.

I hit the ground instantly. With my trembling hands I quickly grab a rock from the ground and hit that dead soul as hard as I could.

I hear a loud moan causing me to gaze towards that dead soul in black denim jeans and white T-shirt. His forehead bleeding on the spot I had just hit with rock.

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