Chapter 36 - BACKSTABBER

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My heart began to hammer in my chest and my legs began to tremble.

Oh Allah, out of all the suspicions I've wished to be not true in my life, this one is the most dreadful.

Please don't let be it.

Oh Allah help!

I quickly run to Asher's office room in the villa but it was locked.

I wanted to break the lock with my scull at this point but I needed to act casual in front of Haya, after all she's still Asher's servant and at this point I can't even trust my soul.

Suddenly my phone began to ring.

It was Sumair..

" Hey Anaya, where are you and where is everybody else?" He asked casually.

" Sumair, please come to the villa right now. I beg you Sumair please!"

" Anaya, I have something to show you too but where is everybody? You know Asher won't let me in."

" Nobody is home right now, they're at the Airport. Please come here." I begged some more with my shaky voice.

" I'm on my way. " Sumair reassured me he will be here soon.

Meanwhile, my body was shaking and I knew sitting idle will be like welcoming trouble.

I needed answers!

I wanted to get rid of my major doubts.

I quickly grab a knife from the kitchen and began to stab Asher's office door lock. I need to get in and find my answers right now!

The stabbing wasn't working at all so I decided to use the years old movie trick, I ran to my room to find a Bobby pin.

Ughhh Ughhh Ughhh, they're always everywhere in my room but when I need it, can't even find one.

Why are you so messy Anaya, whyyyy?

I wanted to bang my head on the wall until I spotted a bobby pin on the floor.

Good Lord!

My shivering hands made it even more difficult to insert the bobby pin inside the keyhole, I kept on twisting it in different directions but it didn't work.

At this point, I was literally thinking about throwing myself so hard on the door that it break down.

Tears began rolling down my cheeks as I sat down on the floor outside Asher's room. I tightly held my legs close and rested my head on my knees.

Asher has betrayed me several times but this will be the final straw that will screw me forever.

"Anaya? Why are you sitting on the floor?" Sumair asked.

I looked at him with so much relief and happiness, as if he was my last ray of hope.

" Sumair, you're here! I don't have enough words for how relieved I feel seeing you here." I sad quickly grabbing his hand.

His eyes softened and I could almost sense pity in them.

" Sumair, I'm having some extreme doubts on Asher. I can't breathe, we need to get inside his office and go through his stuff. I think that's the only way to get my answers now."

Sumair's eyes got even more saddened and pitiful. It almost looked like he had the most tragic news of the century.

" Why are you looking at me like that? " I yelled.

Sumair gulped and took a long breath while reaching something inside his leather jacket.

" Anaya, have you ever seen this document? " Sumair asked revealing a brown envelope to me with a rope logo on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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