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😗sorry for any mistakes


Atlanta GA
September 8th

"Bubba?" Kimoria called out, sniffing as he had his hand on her stomach with his head in the crook of her neck, sleeping.

Jermaiah's eyes popped open when he heard her sound like she was crying. He quickly sat up and looked under the cover to see if she was bleeding or anything.

"You okay? What happened?" He asked, slightly scared. "I'm hungry and it's time for you to take the kids to school" She sniffed, rubbing her eyes, pouting.

Jermaiah sighed, glancing at the clock they had in their room. It was 6:50AM and he had to start getting Carter and Journi's smoothies and lunch ready.

Kimoria was 19 weeks and it was that time she had to start staying home. She tried to work as much as she could but Jermaiah wasn't having it and got her right in the house last week.

She was really upset about it, she loves going to work and seeing her babies. She also didn't want to be stuck in the house alone.

She tried to reason with Jermaiah to let her just work in her office and do paperwork like she was going to be doing at home but that led them to argument. He didn't understand why she wanted to put her and the baby at risk. He thought she was being selfish.

Kimoria knew she was being selfish but she also didn't want to stay home alone, in her thoughts. The way she saw it was if she stayed home then all she was going to think about was going into premature labor at any moment or having a miscarriage at any moment. She didn't need that nor want it so she thought being out the house and doing something active would help her not be in her thoughts as much.

She also didn't want to become bitter either, watching everyone going to work and actually leaving the house. Jermaiah decided to stay home with her to keep her company and hoped she wouldn't feel so alone anymore. If she couldn't go to work neither could he.

His tattoo shop was set to the point he didn't have to come to work everyday just like Kimoria's daycare. They both had enough employees to be able to stay home all the time and not leave without having any problems.

For the time being, only financial things will be the reason they go into work. Jermaiah would have to go in for Kimoria himself since they both know each other's financial information for their businesses.

"What do you wanna eat mama?" He asked, wiping her tears with his thumbs. Besides the argument about Kimoria working, she has been doing really well with the pregnancy so far.

She doesn't cry much unless her back is hurting or she's hungry but other than that she has been doing well. So her crying scared him a lil since she doesn't do that often. All she does really is eat, and sleep most of the time. When she has a mood swing she tries to communicate it with him first so she wouldn't snap at him or cause an argument with them.

"Waffle house?" She asked, but was still crying which was annoying her because she hated crying.

"I'll get it after I drop them off, why you still cryin?" He frowned, not liking his wife crying about anything. Her crying meant she was stressed and he didn't need that or want it.

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