Chapter Three

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Sarah sat in the School office with a bored expression. Vlad had insisted, rather heavily, that she go to Casper High despite her many protests. He was in the other room talking to the principal about setting up her classes.

Her new alias was a monument to Vlad's Ego, Sarah Masters. He instructed Sarah to blend in, not show her true intelligence, she nearly scoffed. She hated this all but considering she did have a normal high school life figured she should make the best of it.

"Sarah, we are all done, I'll lead you to your first class," the principal said leaving the room with Vlad.

"I'll pick you up after school little falcon," Vlad said leaving quickly.

Sarah silently followed the principal, "it's 4th period now so it's your English class, Mr. Lancer is one of our best English teachers. You'll love him." The principal explained on the way there.


Danny glared at the test in front of him, with all his ghost hunting he didn't have time to study the book. He was going to fail again because he didn't read Lord of the Flies. A bump on his shoulder alerted him to Alice, to say he was freaked when she turned invisible was an understatement.

"I sense emotional distress, would you like help on this test?" Alice said softly.

Danny thought for a moment before nodding reluctantly. It felt like cheating but he needed to not fail this test. Alice instead of telling him the answer simply printed out a piece of paper with a summary for the entire book in a few paragraphs.

"This will help you to not fail, in the future, I will help you study," she said softly again before backing away.

"Thanks" he whispered, this wasn't cheating, not entirely.

This Alice noticed he needed a quick hand and gave him just enough to get him through the test, maybe the AI wasn't that bad. Danny quickly flipped through the notes and finished the test, soon everyone was finished. About to move on to a discussion the door opened.

"Mr. Lancer, I have a new student with me," the principal said as she walked in with a red-haired girl, the girl looked bored.

"Ah! Welcome you are just in time we are about to discuss our most recent book" Mr. Lancer said motioning her inside.

"Her name is Sarah Master's, our mayor just adopted her." The principal explained quickly before leaving.

Danny looked up at Sarah, he was sure she was a new plan of Vlads now. Instantly he distrusted her, she probably knew who he was. He didn't like this at all.

"Well, Miss Masters sit back there by Danny." Mr.  Lancer explained.

"Who's Danny?" She asked uninterestedly.

Danny raised his hand and she walked over sitting down. She didn't even look over at him, she didn't really care about anyone here. She shifted uncomfortably in the skirt Vlad made her wear, she wanted to burn the pink abomination, along with the very revealing tank top that was also pink.

She didn't pay attention to the class as she began to draw her newest invention idea. It was a fabric recycler, so these ungodly clothes can be used for something better. A smirk played itself onto her face as she drew.

"Sooo, how's it like being the daughter of the mayor?" Danny asked probing for information.

"He has an ego the size of the sun" she commented simply "and look at the ugly clothes he forces me into."

"So you don't like him?" Danny asked curiously.

"Bro Fucking picks me up, takes me home, and makes me his kid. Make no mistake, I didn't choose this!" Sarah said with a huff right as the bell rang.

Sarah stood up and walked out of the class, fishing her schedule from her pocket and she began to head to lunch. Not bothering to eat, she sat at a table in the corner and began to work on her situation. She would have to survive 4 years with a half-ghost egomaniac.

Danny, Sam, and Tucker sat at the table in front of Sarah watching her and talking about her.

"What could his plan be?" Danny asked frustrated.

"Well from what it sounds like she's not a willing participant," Sam said looking at Sarah. "But she looks very familiar to me"

"I will say, she's cute" Tucker spoke up.

"TUCKER!" Sam yelled at him exasperated.

"What? We know Vlad wouldn't adopt someone without the looks" Tucker shrugged.

"That's so wrong on so many levels" Danny groaned out.

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