Chapter Eight

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Sarah sat in English, she was reading a scientific theory on ghosts, handed out by the town's ghost hunters, the Fentons. Everything in the report made her scoff, it was garbage, "all ghosts are evil entities that should be destroyed" what bull shit is this. The said ghost hunters were at the front of the class giving a lecture, and Sarah couldn't hold it in.

"I have a question," Sarah said, cutting into a rant about sentient hot dogs.

"No we didn't eat the hotdogs dear," the woman said, she had the same name as Vlad's cat, Maddie.

"No, it's about your thesis, I just finished reading it," Sarah explained.

Maddie looked surprised, "that's 30 pages long!"

"If you skip the five pages that go on about fudge, it's really only a 10-minute read," Sarah said with a shrug.

Maddie gave a pointed glare at her husband Jack. Obviously, the fudge wasn't supposed to be in there. After an extensive uncomfortable silence, Maddie looked back at Sarah expectantly.

"You said all ghosts are bad, however, there are many records and accounts of a hero ghost protecting citizens," Sarah explained.

"Ah the ghost boy, he's the worst of them all! Pretending to be good so we let our guard down." Maddie ranted.

Sarah let out a deep sigh, "That's Fucking stupid."

Silence, everyone was stunned, no one ever talked back to the Fenton's like that. They all agreed with what she said, but she had also defied the social norms. You just didn't disrespect adults so blatantly in Amity Park. You also didn't curse under 18 here, it was like a hidden rule in the fabric of the community.

"Miss Masters, that's enough!" Mr. Lancer said attempting to gain control.

"No, I don't think it is. You're telling me a race of sentient beings are evil and that genocide is the answer." Sarah said pointing at the Fenton's.

"Well, I..." Maddie started.

"Well, you nothing! This hero is a child! And if all ghosts are just people who died! Then you are willing to kill a child a second time!" She slammed her hand on her desk. "For what? Experimentation?! You people make me sick!"

There was silence across the entire room and Sarah stood up. She quietly gathered her things and walked out of the room towards the office. She sat down in the chairs outside the office and texted Vlad.

"Anger explosion. Need a pickup." Is all she texted.


Danny sat silently at lunch, Tucker and Sam were arguing over something and he just stared at Sarah's normal table. Danny couldn't believe what happened in there, Sarah had exploded. The girl who stayed silent and distant just exploded, and he agreed with her.

It's almost as if she for a second became Techna. Yesterday when Danny patrolled with Techna she gave the GIW an earful when they attacked the pair. Although he's known Techna for 5 days now, he felt close to her, Like a sister.

"Earth to Danny," Sam said waving her hand in front of his face.

"Sorry thinking about what Sarah said my parents," Danny said looking at Sam.

"She really went at them," Tucker said with a nod.

"It was weird to see Vlad's kid do that" Sam admitted.

"For a moment, I thought I saw Techna there instead of Sarah," Danny admitted.

"Shame they are nothing alike, Techna actually cares about people," Sam said to Danny.


Sarah stood out front of the school waiting for Vlad, she was pacing impatiently. Vlad was already 30 minutes late, something felt wrong. She pulled out her phone again when she heard the heartbeats.

She turned around and saw two men in white suits "geez, the grass stains must hit hard." She said sarcastically, it was the GIW.

"Your father has been taken in for questioning about a possible ghost in his residence, we are taking you in as well." One said to Sarah seriously.

"Very well" she responded with a curt nod.


Danny felt like something was wrong. He looked outside the cafeteria window and saw Sarah talk to the GIW. Pointing it out to Sam and Tucker they covered him so he could transform.

He turned invisible and flew closer towards Sarah. "I'm not stepping into your car until you inform me of why you are taking me in" he heard Sarah say.

"We are the government, we don't need to tell you that," one of the guys said.

"Actually you do, I'm a US citizen and I have civil rights. If you violate these rights in any way I will sue you." Sarah said staring at the men.

One had enough of the mouthy smart child pulled out a gun "get in the Fucking van ghost lover"

Danny found himself in a moral battle, to help Sarah, the child of his worst enemy, or leave this situation alone. That's when he saw her stance change and her eyes harden, and once again he thought he saw Techna. Before he could do anything she said something that echoed in his head.


Last night

Techna stood protectively in front of Phantom staring down the barrel of an ecto-gun. Her eyes were deadly narrow her body refusing to move from the spot she planted herself in. She had just ordered Phantom to stay behind her, this had shocked him because she never ordered him before.

"Move," a man in a white suit told Techna.

"This isn't my first time staring down a barrel of a gun, I came from Gotham you fuckers. If you think for one moment I will move because of a gun." Her voice got quieter "then you're in for a real shock."

They ended up shooting Techna but she just shrugged off the pain until later that night when she nearly collapsed from blood loss. Phantom's respect for her grew that night, she wasn't one to back down.


Staring down the barrel of the gun Sarah let out a smile "This isn't my first time staring down a barrel of a gun, I came from Gotham you fuckers. If you think for one moment I will move because of a gun." Her voice got quieter "then you're in for a real shock."

Danny's eyes widened as those same words came from Sarah's mouth. His mind spun as the man pulled the trigger and shot Sarah. He flew forward picking her up and took off far away from the GIW, his sole thought was that needed to protect his friend.

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