Chapter Fifteen

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For the past two days, Sarah has been hiding at Jason's apartment. Everyone knew what happened, Jason wanted to kill Vlad, and Dick wanted to expose Vlad as Plasmius. Danny, however, figured Vlad wasn't going to hurt Sarah or hunt Techna anymore, after all, Danny knew who Vlad was by now.

"He won't accept me anymore Danny," Sarah said from under her mound of blankets.

"He sees you as his kid, when he latches onto someone there is no going back for him. He just wants a family and you made him better" Danny explained, trying to help his friend.

"Was he really?" She poked her head out of the blankets.

"Before you, he was obsessed with my mom, and me. Since you arrived he became focused on protecting you and keeping you happy." Danny explained.

Sarah smiled a little "I did think of him like a dad... but what if he's still trying to kill me" she retreated back into the blankets.

Danny laughed "aren't you supposed to be mentally 18, your so childish."

"Shut up" she muttered hiding.

"Listen I have to get home, just stay with Jason while we figure this out with Vlad," Danny said leaving.


Nightwing and Phantom were on patrol as Jason was busy taking care of Sarah. Nightwing didn't know what to think of Phantom at first, but he started to see the kid as family. He was smart, witty, and determined, if Nightwing weren't in the past he would recruit Phantom for the Titans.

"Box ghost, I've got him," Phantom said over the coms as a disturbance was noticed.

"I'm sorry did you say Box ghost?" Nightwing questions in disbelief.

"Yeah it's a ghost that controls boxes, he shows up more than skulker," Phantom explained.

"It's your version of Condiment King," Nightwing said exasperated.

"The what king?" Phantom question with a snort.

"Condiment King, he uses ketchup, mustard, hot sauce and relish to rob people," Nightwing said letting out a chuckle.

"That's terrible! I need to meet him now" Phantom said laughing.

"In four years kid," Nightwing said with a smirk.

"Better show me the Batcave too," Phantom said laughing.

"Why not, we will basically be family by that point," Nightwing said, shaking his head.


Vlad was trying to find any lead on Sarah, he knew Danny wouldn't tell him. Danny was Sarah's friend and was probably worried he would hurt her. Vlad didn't blame the boy, especially not with his past actions.

Perhaps Sarah had friends she was with. Then Vlad realized something, Red Hood and Nightwing, who were they? Perhaps Sarah was with one of them, Perhaps Sarah wasn't the only person Clockwork brought from the future.

Vlad then remembered how much Sarah talked about her family, specifically her older Brothers. Being mayor had its perks, he looked up the name Dick first, he found a Dick Trapeze and knew that was the one. After that, he found a Jason Lazarus.

Vlad had two people to talk to, he would start with Dick. If anyone knew where his daughter was it would be one of those two. He would have Sarah back home and safe soon, he had to.

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