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Y/n pov

It had been a few days since cami apologized and everything was back to normal thankfully

It was night time and dark out as I walked up to the madrigals house and walked in seeing abuela and pepa standing talking but they were interrupted by me coming in "sorry didnt mean to interrupt just here for camilo" I said with a nervous smile as they stared at me

I closed the door behind me and then pepa came over to me and gave me a big hug as abuela glared at me "hola mija! How have you been? First time I'm seeing you since you and camilos argument are you doing alright?" She said as she pulled away with a slight frown of pity

I smiled at her reassuringly "everything with me and him is fine now,he apologized and I forgive him for everything" as soon as I said that she sighed with relief as I heard abuela scoff but ignored it

Pepa gave me a sad smile "I'm glad you two made up..he was devastated after yelling at you,he wouldnt eat or drink all he did was cry and was heartbreaking to watch" I frowned as she said that suddenly feeling bad for making him so sad "oh-" I was cut off by camilo coming downstairs and coming between me and pepa

He smiled at me and gave me a big bear hug squeezing me tight,I laughed a little and so did pepa as I hugged him back just as tight. I stuffed my face into his shoulder smelling his sweet scent which made me feel safe

"You two are perfect for eachother" pepa said as I could hear the smile in her voice,then camilo let me go and kissed my forehead then he just stood by my side now also looking at his mom "I know right? Y/n is amazing~" he said with a smirk as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I smiled

Pepa was about to agree before everything went dark,the lights went out and we were all confused "casita what happened?" I asked as I could barely make out in the dark casita using some tiles to shrug

I immediately looked over at camilo remembering his fear of the dark and as soon as I looked at him he screamed bloody murder and in a matter of seconds I was back in his arms and he was hugging me tight as ever with forcibly shut eyes

"Callaté mijo its just the lights your fifteen for christ sake" pepa exclaimed as she walked away to go figure out what was wrong and I heard abuela mumble before following her

I giggled a bit at camilos level of fear and he pulled away a little and looked at me "it's not funny! This is terrifying what if theres monsters or something?!" He said practically yelling of fear and I laughed more as my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could now see decently.

I kissed his cheek which made him calm down a little bit and I pushed him away and just held his hand to guide him "let's go through the village real quick to see if we are the only ones or not okay mi amor?" I said softly and i heard him mumble a soft "okay.." and we walked outside

We started to walk through the dark cold village and he hugged my arm clinging to me like a lost child

I stopped and looked into the distance at the market place to see people selling candles and no other light was around so I assumed it was a blackout.

I looked over at camilo who was distracted looking at the stars in the sky,when he realized I was looking at him he looked back down at me with a bit of a scared expression on his face but wow he looked pretty in the moonlight

He leaned a bit closer to me unintentionally and I was stunned staring into his eyes as I felt my face heat up and he smirked a little bit "are you blushing? It may be dark but I could see that bright pink dust your cheeks from a mile away~" he said with a slight laugh as he cupped my cheek with one hand

My face got redder and I moved his hand away "shut up no I'm not,your the one about to piss yourself because you think theres monsters in the dark" I said as I crossed my arms and started to walk away from him back to his house and he frowned

"What- no- hey! Dont leave me!" He yelled as he ran and caught up with me pulling my arms out of their crossed form and he held my hand tight

Time skip

As soon as we got back to the house he seemed tired so we went to his room and I knew he wouldn't survive in the dark by himself so I decided to spend the night,there weren't enough candles for him to have one in his room as a nightlight so it was pitch black

He soon laid down and I laid with him and as soon as I did he wrapped his arms around my torso and stuffed his face into my shoulder

I smiled softly and held him close as he drifted to sleep and soon enough I did too.


"Mi Vida~" camillo madrigal x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now