2-Hide and Seek

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[Dream's POV]

I was utterly horrified.

Wrenching myself out of Quackity's grip, I raced out of the cafeteria without giving a backwards glance. I ended up seeking refuge in a dark classroom, where I just managed to lock the door before completely breaking down. Silent sobs wracked my body as they echoed through the empty room.

My self pity session was cut short by a cautious knock on the door.

"Dream? Are you in there? It's me, Karl. Can I come in?"

I slowly made my way across to the door, unlocking it and letting him in. He immediately pulled me into a hug, and I let him. We stood there for a while, until a voice from the doorway made us jump.

"There you are Dream! We were so worried about you!"

It was Sapnap. Bad and Quackity stood behind him. They gathered around me and three more pairs of arms were added to the group hug. I smiled and mumbled a quiet "thank you."

Once we all pulled away, Quackity spoke up.

"Look, Dream, I know this may be a touchy subject for you to discuss right now, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but...why didn't you tell us?"

Judging by the others' expressions, they, too, were dying to know.

After a long silence, I finally answered, "I guess I was just scared."

"Scared of what? That we wouldn't support you?"Bad frowned slightly. "You're our friend, Dream, we'll support you no matter what."

"He's right," said Sapnap. "By the way, how exactly did you find out? Like, was it by accident, or did you always have a suspicion of some some sort?"

"Well, I mean..." I paused, "I guess I've always known that I was...different...I've just never really been able to put a label to it until about a week ago."

Someone hugged me. It was Bad."Thanks for being honest with us, Dream."

I smiled. My friends always knew how to brighten the mood.

Just then, the bell went off. Everyone said their temporary goodbyes and left, all except for Sapnap, who stayed behind.

I prepared to speak, but he beat me to it. "Look, Dream, you can't just do nothing about this whole situation. You have to get him back somehow."

I hummed in agreement. "You're right. I have to get him back for this. The only question is, how?"

My best friend though for a while, then said, "I'd say something along the lines of locking them up. You know, just for a few hours so they miss a bunch of classes and get a few days' detention."

Not the world's best plan, but it was fairly solid.

I shrugged. "Good enough for me. So...when and where should we carry it out?"

"We'll need a hiding place that is secure but easy to access at the same time, preferably well hidden." He frowned, thinking hard.

"I know!" I exclaimed, "let's lock Wilbur and his friends up in the four broom closets! The janitor will find them when he makes his rounds."

Sapnap looked back to me, a grin evident on his face. "Perfect! Let's carry out the plan next time they go out after dark."

*End of flashback*

I looked back at the boy in front of me. He was still waiting for me to answer. "Oh—yeah, I just remembered."

"Ok...so? What do you think?"

"Let's do it!"

"Yessssss! I'll tell Karl and Quackity. Bad won't want to join in on this. Oh, and we'll need a time and place."

I nodded. "Right. Let's meet at eight tonight on the roof."

"I'll be there."

We left the building and walked across to our dormitory that we shared with Quackity, Karl and Bad. Sapnap filled them in while I dropped off my stuff, then went down to the storage room to retrieve a few padlocks. I didn't bother to look for the keys, since they most likely wouldn't be needed. After that, I made my way back up to my dorm.

As I entered, tension was clearly thick in the air. Sapnap, Karl and Quackity were sat together on the couch while Bad was alone in the single armchair. None of them greeted me.

"Hey—what's up?" I asked, cautiously talking a seat beside Quackity.

"You can't do that, Dream." Was all Bad said.

"Do what?"

"You know what I mean. You could get arrested for that."

I sighed. "Look, Bad, I know your a scared that we'll get caught, but I can assure you that it's a good plan. Everything will be fine. We'll just all wear masks or something to cover up our faces.

"If you say so. I'm not going to turn you in, but you have to promise that if they aren't released by morning, you'll set them free."

"I promise."

"The others have to promise, too."

"Sure," said Karl half-heartedly, examining his painted nails.

"Do I have to?" Quackity whined.

"Yes, you have to, unless you want Bad to turn us in, and get us all expelled," said Sapnap. "And, as much as I hate to say it, I promise too."

Everyone turned to look at Quackity.

"Fine, fine, I promise," he grumbled.

"Good,"Bad said, dispelling the tension, "you should probably get going now, it's almost eight."

"Oh—yeah, we should." I led the other three down to the school grounds.

"You ready?"I asked.

They all nodded.

"Let's go."

888 Words

Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'm gonna be uploading quite a bit because I'm currently on a very bumpy and uncomfortable coach. Plus I'm bored.

If you have any thoughts or criticism on the story, feel free to DM me.

Have a wonderful day/noon/night!😁

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