Important Notice!

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Hi, everyone.

I'm sure that by now, you've probably heard about all that's been happening with Wilbur, and the recent allegations that have come out against George.

I just wanted to let you all know that I have stopped supporting Wilbur, but that I AM continuing to support George.

This is for a number of reasons:

First of all, I believe that though what George did was wrong, he deserves a second chance, and that he really is, and always has been, a legitimately good person.

Second of all, a lot of the claims that Caiti made were very much exaggerated, which escalated the situation much more than it should have been.

Third of all, Caiti has shown little to no evidence against George, whereas George has provided evidence that, in my opinion, proves his innocence.

Finally, GEORGE HAS APOLOGIZED. He has taken accountability for his actions and made two genuine apologies, once on video, once through text,  for a stupid mistake that he made while under the influence.

It is for these exact reasons that I have chosen to stand by him and continue supporting him and the rest of the Dream Team.

I will not be removing any mentions of Wilbur in this story, as he is an important part of the storyline, and it would drastically change the story if I did. However, rest assured that I will not be mentioning him in my future works.

All the best,

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