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[George's POV]

We'd been searching for ages.

And found absolutely nothing.

The ginormous crevasse in the ground remained still and dark as ever, as if mocking me.

Everyone was starting to lose hope. Everyone, that is, except for me.

I simply just couldn't lose hope.

It was my fault that Dream was gone. If I'd been stronger—more independent, none of  this would've happened. We would've both been alive and well. I'd have told him how I truly feel.

Throughout the few hours that we'd been stuck together, I'd opened up to him more than I ever had to anyone else. Something about him just made me feel...safe, like nothing could hurt me.

When I'd fallen asleep and woken up in his warm embrace, I felt like my life was finally coming together —like he'd been the missing piece to the puzzle that was my heart.

Now that that piece was gone, I once again felt incomplete.

Sighing, I turned to face mine and Dream's friends. 

"There's only one place that we haven't searched."

They all stared blankly back at me.

I rolled my eyes and gestured to the giant crevasse in the ground, not too far from where I was standing.

Tubbo inhaled sharply. "George—we can't go down there...there's too many of us. The whole thing would collapse."

"I never said you lot were going. Just get a rope and help me down." My voice quavered slightly as I spoke, but I kept my head held high.

"But George, you—" Wilbur protested.

Sapnap cut him off. "Look, dude, if he really wants to do this, then let him do it. Karl and I will go get some rope and a harness."

With that, the two of them set off, walking back to the students' quarters, which thankfully hadn't been damaged too badly.

A few minutes later, they returned, arms piled full of yards and yards of rope, a harness thrown over Sapnap's shoulder.

I walked to the edge of the massive crack, inspecting the large, jagged rocks that jutted out in various places. It looked extremely dangerous, and for a brief moment, I began re-thinking my decision, but almost immediately shut the thought down.

He saved my life. I'm just returning the favour.

Sapnap's handed me the harness, assisting me in strapping myself in.

I thanked him as he tightened the straps. He patted my shoulder twice and smiled. "Good luck."

"Thanks." I cautiously stepped over to the edge, looking down into a vast pit of darkness.

My common sense was screaming at me to just stay on the ground, but everything else was telling me the opposite.

I decided to follow my gut.

Without hesitation, I jumped.

The others had already tied the other end of the rope to a sturdy steel supporting beam that had once been part of the base of the school building.

As I fell deeper and deeper, I couldn't help but wonder if Dream and I would've successfully escaped if the earthquake hadn't intervened.

I guessed we would've, since I had seen a bit of the passageway earlier.

A sharp pain in my calf brought me back to reality. I hadn't been watching where I was going and had grazed my leg on a rock jutting out from the opposite wall.

It was just then that I realized just how close the walls had gotten to each other.

A few moments later, the walls became so close together that I had to turn my body sideways to avoid getting squashed.

Soon, I reached the point where I could drop no further and tugged the remaining length of rope down, looping it neatly around my right shoulder.

Slowly and cautiously, I made my way to the nearest end and started searching, reaching my arms out to feel around and occasionally glancing upwards to check for any large shadows.

I creeped along the dark, V-shaped passage, the only sounds being of N my heavy breathing and crunching footsteps.

It was impossible to walk at a steady pace, so a slow one was all I could settle with. I lost patience very quickly, groaning in frustration as I fell against the rough wall of the seemingly never-ending crevasse.

After a while of just sitting there and resting, I got up again and dusted myself off, determined to find him if he was in there.

I trudged on, absentmindedly messing with the hem of my hoodie. A small rockfall caught my attention and I looked up, looking for the cause.

I gasped and froze. A few feet above me lay the outline of a limp human body.

I backed up a bit, getting a better look at the person. I was met with a head of fluffy light hair and a bright coloured hoodie.

Climbing just a bit higher, the persons face came into view. I brushed a few strands of hair behind their ears. It was soft to the touch, and I smiled slightly.

I willed my vision to adjust, and it did, but the persons face was so scratched and bruised that I couldn't make out any distinct features except a sharp jawline. By the looks of it, they were a male.

Hope sparked in my chest. If it was a male, then could it be Dream?

I checked their pulse. It was faint, but still there, thank goodness.

Upon further inspection, I noticed that the boy's eyelids were closed.

Just out of curiosity, I wanted to see what color his eyes were.

I reached out gingerly, touching my fingers to his eyelids and pushing them up ever so slightly, just so that the irises were visible.

All of a sudden, I froze. My hand hovered directly over his unconscious face for a moment before going limp and falling to my side.

I'd know those eyes anywhere.

The darkness may have blocked out most of the light, but nothing could dim the gleam of Dream's beautiful emerald green eyes.

Those were the eyes that had stared so lovingly into my own just a few hours prior.

Word Count: 1017

(Current Read Count: 394)

Hey guys! This is future author speaking. I just wanted to thank you all so, so much for reading this fanfic.

(If you received a notification before this, it's because I accidentally pressed publish earlier.)

Anyway, have a very nice day😁

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