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[Dream's POV]

George and I took some more time to get to know each other.

"What's you're favourite colour?" he asked.


"Really? Mine's blue."

I thought for a moment. "Ok...favourite place?"

"In the school or in general?"

"In the school."

"Well...don't tell anyone about this, but there's a secret room in the library. It's triggered by one of those fake bookshelves."

I was surprised. "Really? How did you come across it?"

He blushed. "I was...Umm..."


"Well, I was, Umm.. I was looking for a romance novel?"

This answer caught me off guard. I clutched my stomach, falling backwards, wheezing loudly and gasping for breath.

"You..." I choked out, "you were... you were...y-you were...HAHAHAHA"

He looked slightly annoyed. "It's not like that—it was for a school project."

"Which project?" I tried to keep a straight face, but was failing miserably.

"The one about book genres?"

"Oh, that one. Did you seriously get romance?"

He groaned. "It's not my fault! The teacher said I was the only person in the class mature enough to do romance!"

"Clearly. I got Action Adventure."


"So...what happened after that?"

"After what?"

"After you went to the library!"

"Oh—right," said George, "well, I basically just saw the name of the book, decided to give it a try, and ended up opening up the secret room while pulling it out."

"Is it nice there?"

"We'll, yeah, it's pretty decent. There's a leather couch, a bookshelf lining the wall, a bed... hell, even a private bathroom. I think that's probably where the old owner of the school used to do all his reading before the rest of the building burned down."

"Wow..." I was genuinely surprised, "This secret room of yours sounds absolutely amazing!"

"It is! If we ever get out of here, I'll take you there! It's such a nice place."

Suddenly, he froze.

I cocked my head and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

He then facepalmed, groaned, banged his head against the wall a couple times, and let out a string of curse words that even I was surprised were included in his vocabulary.

I approached him, reaching an arm out to spin him around, so that we were facing each other. "George? What's wrong?"

He groaned again. "I'm such an idiot! WHY didn't I think of that before?!"

"Think of what?"

"This!"He reached into his pocket and took out what looked like a large piece of paper.

I switched on the flashlight in my phone and shone it on the folded paper. It was an electric blue, with prominent white lines. I gasped.

"George... is that what I think it is?"

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