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[George's POV]

I lifted a finger and gently shut his eyelids, involuntarily cupping his face as I did so. I didn't mind, though. His freckled skin was smooth and warm to the touch, indicating that he was at least alive, thank goodness.

Once my little moment of bliss had passed, I got to business, first unraveling the extra rope, then tying some of it in an adjustable knot, one that I knew would come in very handy later on.

The knot was then easily tied into a makeshift harness. I tightened it the tiniest bit, taking extra care not to hurt or strain Dream's body in any way.

After securing everything and making sure that it was safe, I tugged three times on the rope, tightening it and signaling to the others that I was ready.

Not even a moment later, there was a small tug. I barely had time to grab hold of the currently unconscious boy before we were both slowly lifted up into the air.

As we neared the top, I began getting slightly nervous, wondering what would happen if Dream does wake up. Best case scenario, he would make a full recovery, and we'd live our lives like normal, except this time as friends—possibly even more than friends.

I smiled at the thought and pulled his limp body into a tight hug, still careful not to hurt him.

My smile suddenly dropped. What if things didn't go as smoothly as I hoped they would?

What if it was instead the worst case scenario that played out?

What if he would blame everything that has happened on me, and refuse to talk to me?

My eyes widened in horror. What if he didn't wake up at all? What would happen then?

Eventually, I managed to force those horrible thoughts out of my mind. He would wake up. He was just unconscious.

Allowing my train of thought to take over, I closed my eyes and relaxed my hold slightly, not enough to let go of Dream, but just enough for there to be a bit of distance between the two of us.

*Time Skip*

Apparently, I must've somehow passed out or fallen asleep, because the next second, I felt myself being shaken and a murmur of voices above me.

I stirred and the voices immediately silenced.

"Gogy?" said a voice instantly recognizable as Tommy's.

"Whaaaaaaaat—" I slurred, still not fully awake.

"George, thank goodness you're fine," said Karl.

Sapnap slung an arm around him reassuringly, the latter offering him a thankful smile in return.

"Umm...guys?" Ranboo chipped in, "now that George has woken up, what'll we do about Dream?"

"Oh shit," said Tommy, "we kind of just left him there, didn't we?"

As everyone else murmured in shameful agreement, I took in my surroundings, acknowledging them for the first time .

My jaw dropped.

The walls were covered in a stunning sky blue wallpaper that provided a perfect contrast for the fluffy white rug my bed had been placed on.

Speaking of my bed...

I glanced down and inaudibly gasped.

A king-sized four poster stared right back at me. The linen sheets were lined with elegantly threaded golden patterns that perfectly matched the mass of pillows spread out either side of me.

I shuffled to the edge of my bed, where a floor of white and gold marble was visible.

That's when it hit me: Where the fuck was I, anyway? What happened after I passed out in that crevasse? Where was Dream? Wait—Oh NO—Dream!

"Where's Dream?" I sat up, "Is he somewhere nearby?"

"He's just through that door," replied Wilbur, gesturing to the door on my right. "You can visit him if you like, but apparently he's still unconscious. He's not in a coma, but it was a pretty close call. They're saying he'll probably wake up anytime between an hour and a few weeks."

I let out a sigh of relief. Dream was safe.

"Can I visit him now?"

"I guess so..." the tall brunette answered hesitantly, "but please don't get your hopes up too quickly. They're still not completely sure if he'll even wake up."


"George, look—that crevasse was a hundred-foot drop at least. He's lucky to even be alive."

As much as I was glad that Dream was alive, it still confused me: surely a drop from a place so high up would've been fatal. "But how? How did he survive?"

"In any normal case, Dream would have definitely died, but you forget: he dropped down into a massive V-shaped hole, so he probably would've rolled the majority of the way down, lessening the impact."

I nodded in understanding and stood up, brushing myself off and making my way to the door Wilbur pointed me to,  opening it ever so slightly.

Dream's room was evidently much bigger than my own. On the ceiling hung a crystal chandelier that partially illuminated the room. A window seat on the far wall sported multiple expensive-looking cushions.  The walls were decorated with a beautiful green and silver patterned wallpaper which was giving off an iridescent glow that reflected onto another king-sized four poster in the centre of the room, much fancier than my own, in which laid...


I hurried over to the bed and bent over the unconscious boy, inspecting him for any external wounds. There were none.

"Nice, isn't it?"

I spun around, coming face to face with Sapnap. He was smirking, looking at Dream.

"Oh, y-yeah," I said, looking around the room, "very nice."

He rolled his eyes. "You know damn well what I'm talking about."

My face heated up, turning a colour that highly resembled a beetroot.

"N-no I don't."

"Yes you do." He leaned closer. "Tell me: how long has this..." he gestured between the two of us, "...been going on?"

I deadpanned. "Nothing happened."

"You so sure about that?"

"Yes. I'm sure."

Sapnap cocked an eyebrow. "Just wait until he wakes up."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

He smiled. "You'll see. You'll see."

1013 Words

(Current Read Count:400)

Hey guys—
So sorry i haven't updated in like 10 days.

I'm not dead, I swear, I'm just moping 'cause the Dream SMP ended.

I feel like such a hypocrite right now, 'cause I literally voted yes for Dream's "should I delete the server" poll.

Alright, I'll stop wasting your time. Have a nice day/noon/night! 😁

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