Chapter Ten: " Rage, Terror, Fear...... "

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Art and music not mine......

( Third POV )

Why is it dark?.........

Where am I?..........

Who am I?..........

The voice of an broken boy spoke as he floats aimlessly in the dark void.

It doesn't matter.......

It's silent.......



The voice disappeared as something else took over......

< Flashback to an hour ago >

" Ughhhhh~! " Lily moans as Zach continues to grunt as his eyes were crazed with lust. But unknowingly he woken a beast that he shouldn't have.

" That looks fun " bob said as bud nods his head in agreement, not noticing the frequent movement of Kori's body. As his fingers slowly moved, his arm that was broken slowly fixed itself. Which made a loud crack that was enough to alert the two twins, who looked down in confusion.

Before suddenly Kori's head twisted backwards looking at them, with his new sets of colored eyes. Smiling sinisterly as Bob and Bud screamed.

" Wha- " Before any of them could react in shock a shadow like tendrils, stabbed Bob under his chin. Which Pierced his head as his brain matter flew across Buds face. Who had blood dripping down his mouth looking down to see a tendril, lunged into his gut.

As Kori pulled them off of his body throwing Bobs dead body against the wall, while Bud was thrown upwards. Hitting his head on the ceiling before falling down, his body splashing with blood on the ground due to the hard impact.


The other three people that were armed notice immediately before aiming at Kori, who slowly stood up. Using his arms to push himself off the ground as he stood straight, using his hands to twist his head back around. His Demonic eyes stared at the armed men, who took no chance of figuring what the hell that thing is.

Zach stopped what he was doing to figure what's was going on, to immediately widen his eyes.

" What the fuck!?!? " Zach shouted as he cummed inside Lily's sacred area. Before hearing a laughter from Kori who took the shots, bullets pierced his chest multiple times. Even his head as he slowly walked towards them, blood gushing out which in mystery. Wasn't dark heavy red in color but pitch black, as he lunges forward.

At the speeds which a human couldn't achieve, arriving in front of one of the three armed man in seconds. Who quickly took out his sidearm to shoot Kori, who grabbed the gun immediately before ripping it out of his hand. Which took his whole left arm off as the guy screamed, the blood splashing out of his missing left stump. Which splashed on the second guy next to him who got kicked in the chin, taking his whole head off with it.

Leaving a headless body with blood spewing everywhere as Kori, quickly turn to finish the last arm individual. Who look at his dead brothers in grief, as he yelled.

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