Chapter 1: Welcome to your new home, (Y/N)

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The harsh glow of the cheap fluorescent lights was blinding. You resisted the urge to shield your eyes from the glare, steeling yourself as you walked into your new apartment building and made your way upstairs. Your body ached from your first shift at Ozzie's, a deep throbbing pain shooting through every part of you. But there was no time to rest; you had to find the strength within to continue. Tomorrow, your entire world would change, and your mundane life could only go downhill from here. As you reached the top of the stairs, you noticed a mural on one of the walls in the hallway depicting several demons and a man you came to know as Asmodeus, your new boss. You paused to catch your breath and admired the mural, but then you heard it - or rather, him.

Laughter echoed down the hallway - loud, rowdy, maniacal, and evil-sounding. You shook, trying to ignore the panic attack creeping up on you. You couldn't afford to fall apart now; you had to stay strong. The laughter drew closer, and so did its source. You knew it wouldn't take long before he would reach your room. He was persistent, so you figured you might as well get in a good fight first to give you some semblance of energy back. You started walking slowly towards your bedroom, fingers gripping the handle, ready to pull the door open. Just as you did, something wrapped itself around your waist. Startled, you tried to pull away, stumbling and falling flat onto the ground.

Before you could register what was happening, Fizzarolli fell right on top of you with a sound like a squeaky toy. For a few seconds, neither of you said a word, frozen in the awkward moment. But as quickly as the silence began, it ended with a loud gasp of air that both of you released simultaneously. "Little jester! What's wrong!? Did someone hurt you!?" Fizzarolli immediately sat up and looked around, searching the darkness of the hallway. "Is anyone there?" He got off you, stood up, and turned to face you. "(Y/N), did something happen? You look scared." The tone of his voice sent a shiver down your spine, and you shook your head, pushing yourself to your feet and dusting yourself off. "No... no problem, really," you mumbled, still shaken from the encounter. "I'm fine, really," you continued, forcing a smile onto your face.

Fizzarolli stared at you for a moment longer, before sighing and nodding. "Okay... well, big old boss man Asmodeus sent me up here to make sure you were able to settle into your new room okay."

He pointed at one of the walls where several pictures and posters of various demons and human celebrities were adorned. You glanced at them and nodded, "Oh yeah... it looks nice," you said, trying to keep the fear out of your voice. Fizzarolli seemed to sense this, putting his hand softly on your shoulder. You turned and looked at him, surprised by how gentle and kind he was acting. "Come on," he said, motioning towards your new room, "let's get you settled." You quickly added, "No, no, it's fine. I can handle it on my own. Plus, I don't want to trouble you." Fizzarolli being one of the main hosts of Ozzie's, you assumed he was probably busy, making it even worse to impose on him, especially as he'd probably be too busy to talk to you. However, seeing disappointment flash across his eyes, you quickly said, "But thank you." Fizzarolli smiled at you, causing a blush to form on your cheeks.

Without saying anything else, he simply grabbed your arm, pulled you along, and walked into the room. "There we go!" He smiled as soon as he shut the door behind him, and you gave him a tired yet grateful look. Following him, you reached the small bed against one of the walls, and you sat down gingerly, placing your bag next to you. As you laid back and closed your eyes, you felt Fizzarolli sit down beside you. Your heartbeat accelerated considerably as you felt his hand gently brush over your forehead. "Are you alright? You look flushed..." For a moment, you thought he sounded genuinely worried, but decided to dismiss it and said, "Yeah, just work was a lot today." Fizzarolli frowned for a moment, looking concerned. Then, his expression changed completely, and he started speaking, sounding almost excited. "Ohhh~ Work! Do tell how you are liking your new job, dear friend, please enlighten hell's favorite clown all about it~."

You looked at him for a second, wondering why, of course, he didn't care; he was your other boss. You weren't sure how much he cared, but you decided to trust the imp. "Actually, yes..." You said cautiously, feeling slightly nervous. Fizzarolli gasped. "Really!?" He exclaimed, his voice rising an octave as he leaned towards you with a glint in his eye. "Did he tell you I have the best sex toys ever modeled off of me?!" He asked eagerly.

You could have sworn you saw a spark fly between you two. The clown must have seen the shock on your face because he suddenly went quiet, and you swore you saw the color drain from his face as he realized what he just said. "That sounded bad...I'll stop asking about it then...just forget about it." A pause filled the room. You stared at him, not sure whether you should laugh or cry... you decided to laugh. He then looked over at you with puppy eyes, "would you be interested in one?" At that moment, you could feel your knees buckle beneath you, and you lost balance, collapsing backward off your bed, still giggling uncontrollably. He jumped up from his seat and rushed over to you, picking you up and sitting you back on the bed. "I'll take that as a yes from you," he said with a wink, before his phone went off suddenly, scaring both of you. "Oh shucks, I gotta go, Asmodeus wants to see me," he said quickly before running away. With another burst of laughter coming from your stomach, you got up off the bed to get ready for sleep, completely giving up on setting up your new room. And that's when you started falling asleep. 

Quit Clowning Around (Fizzarolli x Reader x Asmodeus)Where stories live. Discover now