Chapter 7: A Surprise Gift

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A/N: not going to lie 7 is my favorite number-...

After a thrilling night at Ozzie's, you returned home, still buzzing with the excitement of your performance. As you entered your cozy little apartment within the Lust Ring, you couldn't help but think about Fizzarolli and Asmodeus. The budding connection with both of them left you feeling torn, each interaction adding a layer of complexity to your emotions.

However, you couldn't dwell on it for long because you noticed something unusual in your living room—a massive gift box, adorned with a tag that read, "To our rising star, (Y/N), from Fizzarolli."

Your heart raced as curiosity and excitement filled you. What could this be? You gingerly untied the ribbon and lifted the lid, revealing a sight that left you both surprised and slightly embarrassed.

Inside the box lay a meticulously crafted robot, unmistakably designed to resemble Fizzarolli. It was Robo Fizz, but not in the way you initially feared. Instead of serving an adult-oriented purpose, this robot had been tailored as a futuristic domestic helper, almost like a maid.

As you looked closer, Robo Fizz's metallic frame glistened in the soft light, his features strikingly similar to the real Fizzarolli. His eyes shimmered with a lifelike quality, and his clothing was a sleek and futuristic take on a butler's uniform.

Your initial blush of embarrassment had now transformed into a mix of curiosity and fascination. What had Fizzarolli been thinking when he gifted you this robot? You gingerly pressed a button on Robo Fizz's side, prompting him to power up with a soft hum.

"Hello there," Robo Fizz greeted you in a tone that uncannily resembled Fizzarolli's voice. "I am Robo Fizz, at your service."

You hesitated for a moment before offering a hesitant smile. "Um, hi, Robo Fizz. It's nice to meet you."

The robot bowed gracefully, mirroring Fizzarolli's playful nature. "The pleasure is all mine, (Y/N). What is my purpose?"

You blinked in surprise and couldn't help but chuckle, recalling a particular reference. "You pass butter."

Robo Fizz's expression remained unchanged, but his response was laced with a touch of melancholy. "Oh, my Satan."

Your laughter echoed through the room as you decided to explain your intention. "Well, Robo Fizz, it seems like you won't be serving as an adult toy anytime soon. Instead, you're going to be my... um, well, my maid of sorts."

Robo Fizz nodded in understanding. "As you wish, (Y/N). I am here to assist you in any way you require~"

A/N: Hey everyone! I'm excited to share a little update about the story. Based on your feedback and creative ideas, I've decided to introduce a Fizzarolli x Reader x Asmodeus dynamic to the narrative. Get ready for some intriguing twists and turns in this love triangle!

Additionally, I've given the story cover a fresh update to reflect the evolving dynamics and relationships within the story. Stay tuned for more chapters and thank you for your ongoing support and enthusiasm for this story! 

Quit Clowning Around (Fizzarolli x Reader x Asmodeus)Where stories live. Discover now