Chapter 3: The Gangs All Here

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When the door swung open, you and Fizzarolli were greeted by a tall, two-tailed imp girl with short blond hair dressed in a black cropped top and a long white pleated skirt. "Heya, Harle. Asmodeus wanted me to show around one of our new dancers. Would you mind if we came in for a little bit?" Fizzarolli spoke in his typical energetic tone, not waiting for a response from Harle as he let himself into the dressing room.

You quickly followed after him, taking a seat on an old red velvet sofa in the corner of the dimly lit room. Harle sat down next to you, wearing a friendly smile. "So, what is your name, sweetie?" Harle asked. You giggled softly, introducing yourself and explaining that it was your first day at Ozzie's. "I hope I don't disappoint anyone," you added, feeling a bit anxious about what the others might think. Fizzarolli was momentarily distracted by a mirror on the wall, striking poses reminiscent of old circus posters. "Don't worry, my dear," Harle reassured you. "Now that I think about it, you are pretty cute. Don't be embarrassed," she added, offering you a reassuring smile. "Thanks, Harle," you replied sheepishly, glancing over to see Fizzarolli clowning around, which made you chuckle. "Well anyway, I guess I should introduce myself. I am one of the main dancers here at Ozzie's" (💃) Harle explained. "Oh?" you asked. "Yep, every night I am one of the most popular dancers here at Ozzie's! Though each dancer has their special dance style," Harle laughed. "That sounds interesting. So, what exactly does your type of dance consist of?" you inquired. Harle chuckled and described her routines, depending on the audience. "That sounds exciting and daring," you remarked. "Eh, no big deal. I've performed for plenty of people, some not necessarily good, and I usually end up with about $5 million in tips each time. Not too bad, really," Harle smiled. "But if someone tries to cause trouble while I'm dancing, then I'll have to learn how to protect myself," she warned. You nodded in response.

Fizzarolli sat down in a fold-out chair, listening to the conversation before chiming in, "We better get going; we still have others to meet!" He stood up, grabbing hold of both of your arms. "Awe, okay," you giggled, standing up after him. Once outside, Fizzarolli looked down at you and grinned widely. "You seem to be fitting right in! Let's go meet everybody else," he said, leading you along the hallway and through a kitchen, eventually arriving at an alleyway that led to another door. You paused, confused about what awaited you behind the door. When you turned back around, Fizzarolli had disappeared behind the door, but you heard a low growl. You started to back up before the door reopened, and you were pulled in by Fizzarolli.

The sudden movement and the sound of the door slamming made you close your eyes. It took you a moment to regain your bearings, and when you finally opened your eyes, you noticed you were in a room with carpeted walls, smelling of cigarettes and urine. You looked to where you thought Fizzarolli was standing, only to come face-to-face with a dirty hellhound. It was huge, easily larger than you, and its teeth seemed to gleam and shine in the dim light. It barked sharply at you, and you flinched, backing up into Fizzarolli. "Why are you two in here? Can't you see I'm on break?" they said after taking a puff from their cigarette. The hellhound had gray fur with pink eyes, and they were very aggressive. They put the cigarette out in the ashtray before moving closer to you.

"Hey, calm down there, buddy," Fizzarolli said to the hound in a gentle tone. "No, I will not calm down, and I am not your buddy. This is the only time I get to be alone, and you just had to come and ruin it," the hellhound snapped, glaring daggers at them. "Sorry, Remy, can't let the janitor run wild during breaks," Fizzarolli said apologetically, smiling sweetly at the creature. Remy sighed dramatically. "You're such a pain," Remy mumbled under their breath. "I heard that," Fizzarolli replied. Remy sighed once more before addressing you. "Well, you probably already know my name. I'm Remy, the janitor here, and I slip bleach into people's drinks," Remy said with an eye roll. You nodded before replying politely, "My name's (Y/N); it's nice to meet you!" Remy smirked and nodded in acknowledgment. Fizzarolli walked up behind you before grabbing your shoulder and pulling you away from Remy. "Alright, alright, let's not cause any trouble here! Let's get outta here and get you ready for tonight, yeah?" Fizzarolli smiled gently at you before leading you out of the room and to an empty dressing room.

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