Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo

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You let out a groan as you woke up. Adjusting to your new room had to wait; you had to meet up with Asmodeus as soon as possible to get the rest of your duties assigned. Rolling over on your new bed, you checked the clock you had ignored the day before. It was around 9 am. You hadn't quite adapted to the night-shift rhythm like the other dancers yet. You stood up, stretching your arms and yawning loudly.

"Ugh, I need coffee," you muttered as you made your way to the small kitchen in your room, hoping not to wake anybody in the neighboring rooms. Flinching as the lights flickered on, you prepared some instant coffee, taking a moment to sit on the couch in what could be considered a living room. This situation was strange; after performing in various venues and clubs throughout hell, this was a bit of a welcome change. It would take some time to get used to, but it was becoming more tolerable. You sighed, finishing off the last of your coffee before placing the empty cup on the table.

As you got up, you realized you hadn't unpacked your bag yet, groaning once again at the thought. You spread out all your belongings on the bed and began putting away your toiletries and clothes. Sighing, you placed everything in the closet. Your gaze fell on an outfit that wasn't yours, with a note attached. It read, "For when you're in the mood to wear something more flattering," which left you a little perplexed. "Well, that answers that. I guess I'll wear it," you concluded, taking the black leather outfit off the hanger and heading to the bathroom to get ready.

Examining your reflection in the bathroom mirror, you noticed your hair was disheveled from sleep (sorry if you are bald by the way), and the dark circles under your eyes made you grimace. 'Oh sweet Satan, you look awful...' you thought to yourself. "I guess that's why they call me a real hottie," you joked before remembering what Fizzarolli had told you about applying clown makeup for shows.

You pulled out your makeup kit, recalling the instructions and deciding to put them into practice, as well as try some of the products. Experimenting with different colors, you concluded that none were quite appealing, resolving to ask Fizzarolli what would look best later. Finishing your makeup, you slipped on the new outfit that flattered your body in all the right spots, making you feel powerful. Smiling to yourself as you admire your reflection in the mirror, you then put on the shoes Fizzarolli had given you. Exiting your bedroom, you headed downstairs and started the short walk across the street to Ozzie's.

There, you found your boss and Fizzarolli in the entryway chatting away, presumably waiting for you. "Ah, (Y/N), you're finally up! I was just about to send Fizzarolli to fetch you; there are some important matters we need to discuss." You nodded and followed your boss inside the office. "Please, have a seat," Asmodeus gestured towards a chair in front of the large desk in the middle of the room, typically used for business discussions.

"So, (Y/N), we haven't had a chance to talk since you arrived, have we? Are you enjoying your room? Is everything to your liking? How many people have you spoken to so far?" "Uh, yeah, everything looks nice. I'm adjusting to it, but I haven't talked to anyone besides you and Fizzarolli." You smiled sheepishly, trying not to make eye contact with either of them. "Well then, I'll have Fizzarolli introduce you to the rest of the staff as soon as possible," Asmodeus replied, looking into your eyes intently. "Fizz, please introduce (Y/N) to the others on our staff right away." He said simply, and Fizzarolli responded, nodding his head. "Yes sir, right away, Boss!" Asmo nodded, satisfied before turning to look directly at you, his piercing gaze causing you to instinctively lean back in your chair. "Alright, (Y/N), let's cut to the chase, shall we? We need to discuss the plans for tonight's show. I know you are new here, but I was hoping you could learn part of the routine so we could show you off tonight. You know how much people love fresh meat." You nodded understandingly, agreeing to his request. "I'm sure Fizz can teach you the basic movements if he doesn't mind." Asmodeus smiled, looking at Fizzarolli, who smiled nervously in return. "Of course, sir!" The two of them turned to each other and nodded in mutual agreement. Shortly after that, you and Fizzarolli were dismissed so he could show you around to meet everyone.

As Fizzarolli led you through the halls and introduced everyone you saw, you couldn't help but notice how excited his voice got whenever he mentioned them. However, you never questioned him about it. You eventually reached a place full of dressing rooms, and Fizzarolli knocked on one with the name 'Harle' written on it.

Quit Clowning Around (Fizzarolli x Reader x Asmodeus)Where stories live. Discover now