Chapter Seven

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When Shannon arrived at work the next day, she found she would be short a patient; Mr. Brann would  be helping scientists- obviously Jonathan- conduct some tests on new medication being created to sooth violence. It came as no surprise to Shannon, and so she went on with her day, much warier of her patients this time round. Her shoulders tensed as the first entered...

Elsewhere, on the opposite side of the asylum, was the missing patient. Brann was strapped down to a medical examiners chair, watching his 'doctor' with narrowed eyes. He didn't trust the man and all this talk of 'new medication'. He was right not to...

"So, you are a patient of Ms. Gordon, correct?" Jonathan asked coolly and casually, as he picked up a syringe from the counter on the far side of the room. Brann smirked at the thought of the weak doctor. He had almost ended her life the day previous, the daughter of that stupid police commissioner who had landed him in the nuthouse along with many of the other inmates- or 'patients' as the workers called them.

"That is absolutely true," Brann told the doctor, not letting his eyes leave the untrustworthy man. The doctor nodded, uninterestedly, his head down so Brann could not see those cold eyes of his.

"Do you know who Shannon Gordon is, Mr. Brann?" he continued interrogating. His voice seeming almost- not quite, but just almost- agitated.

"Everyone knows who she is," Brann responded in a growl, "The Police Commissioner's kid!" Then Brann began laughing, maniacally laughing, at a sudden vision that had formed in his mind. "I would love to see the expression on Officer Gordon's face if I killed his little girl!" he screamed with laughter, "I would love to see it!"

Jonathan was still, composing himself and containing rage that he kept bottled within himself. He waited until the madman's laughter died away before saying in a low, cold voice, "You do understand, Mr. Brann, that Shannon is under special protection in these facilities?"

"Course she is!" Brann laughed, "All the doctors here are! But that won't stop me, that stupid body guard isnt-" He cut of when Jonathan started chuckling softly, a sound that made even him, a criminal and murderer, cringe.

"You believe I mean the protection put in place by the asylum?" he asked in laughter, picking up a vial and poking the syringe's needle into it's opening. He made the syringe swallow all of the vial's contents, a rather disgusting green liquid. He then put the vile back down on the counter, and looked over to Brann, whose eyes widened as the noticed the change in the doctor. He was no longer calm; In his eyes, blue fires danced in rage and a predatory smirk was on his face.

"I do not mean the asylum's protection, Mr. Brann," he told the now terrified patient, stalking forward and holding the needle up so like glistened off its point. When he reached Brann, he stabbed it deep into the grown man's muscular arm. Brann winced in pain, causing Jonathan to grin insanely. He loved pain, almost as much as he loved fear. "I am her protection," he whispered, pushing his finger down on the plunger and injecting Brann with his toxin. He then removed it, and after composing himself, went back to the counter. He replaced the syringe for and pen, and picked up a clip board. Turning back around, he began observations.

Brann was fine, yet confused, for only a minute. Then the screams started. He was looking every which way, his eyes darting around, and his body struggling against the restraints. Jonathan had only just looked down to write the effects when suddenly everything went quiet. Still, he scribbled down the effects before glancing back up. Sighing, his eyes went back to the clipboard and he wrote the last piece of the observation.

Prototype failed.

End result- Death.


A/N: Okay, kinda short, but I think I got my point across. Anyways, this is the beginning of the Scarecrow- but you probably figured that out because Jonathan actually showed emotion, which is rather unusual. 

Next chapter there will be more of Shannon >.< I just love her character. So tell me- what do you think? Of Jonathan I mean? Is he crazy enough for y'all? >:3

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