Chapter Fourteen

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"I'm here to visit my step-brother," Edward smiled at the woman working behind the counter, handing her his ID. She took it and went to check her computer. Edward took the time to glance around, his eye catching a post on the wall. A missing sign for Mrs. Shannon Crane, asking for any and all information of her continued existence to be turned into the GCPD. Well, that wouldn't be happening…

"Oh, Mr. Nigma… I'm not sure if your step-brother will want to be seeing any visitors-"

"Ah, Edward, my boy!" the hearty voice of Mr. Arkham cut in as if cued, "Johnny has been wondering when you would show up, the dear boy… He may be crazy but he is as nice as ever.. Perhaps you can see what is wrong in that head of him, hm?"

"I'll try, Mr. Arkham," Edward sighed, nodding to the woman at the counter as he took his ID back.

"Have a nice visit, sir!" she called as Mr. Arkham steered Edward away from the counter.

"You shouldn't be here, Edward… Jonathan isn't supposed to have visitors for six months. It's only been five," Mr. Arkham mumbled, "He's been working on an escape plan, and he will not want to be interrupted. Perhaps-"

"Tell him it's about his wife," Edward sighed, "I'm sure he won't mind."

"Is something wrong with Shannon? Have they found her?" Mr. Arkham worried, looking at Edward with obvious concern.

"I need a private room with Jonathan.. One we will not be heard from," Edward mumbled, not answering Mr. Arkham's questions deliberately. If Jonathan hadn't trusted the round man, he wouldn't either.

"Done," Mr. Arkham nodded. He led Edward through the maze like hallways and they ended in front of a door on which read  'Dr. Shannon Gordon, Psychotherapist'. Mr. Arkham opened the door and Edward walked in, looking around in the welcoming space. He could feel the comfort here, the walls a tan color with a small hanging light fixture on the ceiling. The desk was askew in the corner with a picture of Jonathan and Shannon's wedding and a couple small plants on it. Behind it was a leather rolling chair and in front of it was a comfortable looking plush chair. The matching loveseat was pushed back against the wall, a dying fern beside it. "I'll send Jonathan along," Mr. Arkham told Edward, then backed out of the room.

Edward kept looking around the room as he heard the door click closed. He wondered if Shannon had liked her work here at Arkham… Jonathan had often said he felt bad for influencing her choice so, but it seemed so homey in the little room… Edward was sure Shannon had made it that way with the help of the custodians. Maybe it was to make herself more comfortable, though.

"Edward," a dry voice suddenly greeted from behind Edward. He looked around and smiled when he saw Jonathan in an orange jump suite, looking a bit rough.

"Jonathan… Good to see you," Edward smiled, sitting in the chair before the desk. Jonathan nodded silently, walking around the desk and sitting behind it.

"Shannon is safe, right?" Jonathan mumbled, running a hand through his hair, not seeming very concerned.

"She is… For now," Edward nodded. That gained Jonathan's attention, and those icy eyes glared at Edward behind smudged lenses.

"What is that supposed to mean, Edward?" Jonathan growled, his hands turning to fists on the desk, "You said you would keep her safe-"

"And I will, but she is starting to worry me, Jonathan!" Edward declared, watching his friend's expression turned into one of confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean every time I come home from work, I find her huddled in the corner crying and holding a knife!" Edward told Jonathan, shaking his head, "Yesterday she nearly killed me… I had to drug her before I left today… Jonathan, something is wrong with her…"

"Is there anything else?" Jonathan questioned anxiously, looking genuinely concerned, something Edward wasn't used to.

"She has nightmares… Wakes up screaming, you know. And when she thinks she's alone…" Edward trailed off for a moment and shook his head, "She says things, Jonathan.. She is obsessed over you. She keeps whispering, wondering when you will come back, what you two will do-"

"Well of course! She's rather attached-"

"I wasn't finished," Edward interrupted, "She is afraid you won't come back and she starts arguing with herself. Not normal type stuff, either. It's violent and… She keeps saying she is going to kill the Batman… And herself…"

"What?!" Jonathan roared, outraged at the thought of his wife being in such a state.

"I looked up the symptoms.. Has she ever shown signs of schizophrenia or bipolar-" Edward cut off, watching Jonathan's face pale, "What's wrong?"

"The experiment," Jonathan mumbled, his eyes widened, "It's the experiment. We didn't get to finish and now… Oh God, what have I done?!"

"What?!" Edward questioned, "Jonathan, what the heck did you do?!"

"It… It wasn't meant to be ended so abruptly! I knew it was affecting her, but only when I was gone! And I wasn't supposed to be gone this long!"

"What is it?!" Edward demanded, standing and slamming his fist on the desk. Jonathan looked up at him and for the first time ever… the fearless man looked scared.

"I… I gave her the toxin," Jonathan whimpered, looking away as Edward's eyes widened, "It wasn't supposed to be like this… I was going to be her safe place and she wouldn't worry anymore with me around, but…. I didn't get to finish…"

"You did what?!" Edward shouted at his friend, making the grown man flinch.

"It wasn't supposed to happen like this," Jonathan whispered in a far away manner, "She was supposed to get better…"

"Well, what is going on with her now?" Edward questioned, trying to stay calm and not slap Jonathan over the head for his stupidity. If the man wanted to keep his own wife safe, why had he risked everything for his obsession with fear?

"I don't know," Jonathan growled under his breath before he stood, straightening his glasses and wiping all emotion from his face, "I'll look into it. Until then just keep watching her, I appreciate it. Tell her I will see her soon."

"Will you?" Edward asked, wanting a truthful answer, both for himself and Shannon. The girl needed the truth for once…

Jonathan stopped at the door, his hand on the knob. He didn't give an answer.. He just walked out.


"Shannon?!" Edward called out as he realized Shannon was not where he had left her in her room. He rushed through the house, double checking in closets and behind shower curtains as Shannon had taken to hiding in closed off areas. She was nowhere to be found… And that frightened him more than it should have considering she had almost killed him the last time…

On the thought of Shannon's preference of knives as protective weapons, Edward hurried to the kitchen to take a count of his knives. Thankfully, he found them all there… But he also found something less desirable. Turning from the knife drawer, Edward found himself facing a note taped to his refrigerator. He pulled it off, letting go of a stream of curses as he read.

Dear Eddie,

Took Mrs. Crane for a little trip since I saw you were gone. I'll keep her safe 'til the doctor gets out of the madhouse.

Watch out for the coppers!


"Harley!" Edward roared. That clown had found out where he lived?! And she had broken in to get Shannon, who he was supposed to be watching for Jonathan… Oh the man would kill him when he discovered that his wife had been kidnapped by that crazy woman… And if Harley wasn't careful… Edward's eyes widened. "Oh God," Edward mumbled, running back towards the garage, "That girl is going to get herself killed… "

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