Six - Feliciano

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Most people come to Greenbrook Park for the trees and the sound of the river rushing by--all good things. But a select few stay for the hidden gem known as the El Churrito food truck. You have to wander off the paved paths to have the best chance of locating it. If you're lucky enough to succeed, your taste buds will thank you for the rest of your life.

"So, in other words, you're welcome," I smirk.

"I hope you're right, but I'll reserve my judgment until after I try the food," Giselle says.

"You don't trust me?"

"No, no, it's not that--I just prefer tasting things first."

"I know what you mean. I like doing that too."

A few steps later, we arrive at the famous red truck, lit up in all its glory. Various Latin American foods, ranging from tajadas to tamales to empanadas and more, are painted on one side. On the other end, an artistically drawn blackboard menu lists all the food your eyes wish your stomach was big enough to hold. Judging by the look on her face, Giselle is reading through everything line by line.

"Do you know what you want?" she asks without looking away from the board.

"Yeah." I quickly flip my eyes up towards the menu. "Pupusa. Well, I typically end up getting more than one."

"Are they good?"

"I can't get enough."

"Hmmm. Then, I think I'll try some."

I walk over to the window, and Doña Magdalena's face lights up. "Hola, Feliciano! We haven't seen you in a while. I missed that smile." She winks.

"Well, as much as I want to, I shouldn't come here every day. My abs wouldn't thank me for that," I say, sliding my hands into my pockets.

"Por favor," she waves her hands. "I know you take care of yourself way too much for that to happen, papacito."

I chuckle. "How have you been, Doña? I swear you're aging backwards. Every time I see you, you're younger than you were before."

"Gracias, mi dulce." She flashes a blushing smile. "What can I get for you?"

"De nada, Doña. And I think I'm in the mood for some of your delicious pupusas. Oh, and let me introduce you to--"

"Oh!" Doña Magdalena exclaims, cutting me off. "You brought a girl! Well, this is a first, y que bonita la chava! Miguel!" She turns around and shouts. "Come see this pretty girl Feliciano is on a date with!"

"Good for him!" Miguel shouts back from the kitchen area.

"When are you going to find a nice girl to bring home, eh? Or are you waiting for me to drop dead?"

Giselle and I share knowing glances. The second-hand exposure embarrassment is real.

"Could we please not do this right now, Mamá? I'm trying to cook here."

Doña Magdalena shakes her head, then she turns to us and smiles. "What is your name, mi linda?"

"Me?" Giselle points to herself.

"Si." Doña nods quickly.


"Lo amo! I love it. It is French, no?"

"Yes, it is."

She turns around. "Did you hear that, Miguel? Feliciano is dating a French girl!"

"As-tu une sœur?" Miguel shouts.

Giselle giggles. "Just a brother--sorry!"

"It was worth a shot!" he says back.

"Ignore him," Doña Magdalena says with a sigh. "What can I get for you linda?"

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