Fifteen - Feliciano

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Thanks to the spotty electrical situation at my apartment, I've been sofa surfing at Tyler's place. Not that he's around most nights. My boy spends the majority of his evenings at Emma Chen's, his new girl, and I can't blame him. Apparently, her condo overlooks the river, and if my memory can be trusted, the view on the inside is even better.Turns out Emma was one of Daphne's friends we met at the club the night I left early because I couldn't get Giselle off my mind. Well, now that I can be honest with myself, I didn't want to get her off my mind. Some things don't change, I guess.

I stare out the window on the passenger side as rain runs down the glass, leaving little rivers behind them. Tyler's being a bro and driving me to work so I don't show up looking like clothes that took a spin in a busted dryer. I miss walking, though. Nine times out of ten, it helps me clear my head, and I'd give a hundred Klondike Bars for that kind of relief right now.

"Logan said hi last night by the way," Tyler says as the light up ahead turns red.

"He did?"

"No. But he is milking that black eye you gave him."


"I heard him say, 'You should see the other guy' to at least three girls at the bar."

"And how'd that work out for him?"

"Well, one of those poor women decided to go home with him."

"Just because she left with him, doesn't mean she made it to his place," I say before checking my messages again.

"Fair point," Tyler takes a swing from his travel mug. "Logan has been known to drop the ball at the last second.

"Won't argue with that. But even if she managed to make it to his place, I'm sure it didn't last too long."

Tyler almost spit out his coffee. "The facts are the facts." He pauses for a moment. "You heard anything from Giselle?"

I shake my head. "At this point, I can't decide who hates me more. Her or Logan."

"That's easy," he says as traffic starts moving again. "Logan."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

"He did ask about you last night, and I told him you were crashing at my place. His response was, 'Couldn't pay the rent?'"

"What a winner," I scoff.

"Oh, it gets better."

"I'm not ready for this."

"So, when I explained about the electrical room flooding at your place and how it almost burned down, Logan said, 'That's a shame. Kinda makes you wish we didn't have smoke detectors.'"

I nod, chewing over the statement. "That's pretty on brand for him, actually."

"Still going with your original assessment?"

"No," I exhale. "But that doesn't really make me feel better about the radio silence from Giselle."

"I'm sorry, man."


An awkward silence rolls in for a minute or two. I sink back into my seat, staring through the sunroof like an answer to my problems is going to fall from the sky and land in my lap.

"What are you gonna do?" Tyler finally says.

"I don't know... maybe I'll give her some more space, and then try to talk to her at some point. And if that doesn't work..." My throat tightens up, stopping any more words from coming out.

The real possibility of her never talking to me again hits me with the force of a speeding train. That's the last thing I want, but I have to make peace with a future that doesn't include Giselle. Even if it hurts.

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