Eight - Feliciano

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It wouldn't be the first time my dance moves gave me away, but this is by far my favourite betrayal. The look on Giselle's face is pure anticipation--like when your hands tingle seconds before the ball breezes past the goalkeeper. You know it's going to go in. Excitement pulls you out of your seat to cheer at the top of your lungs.

Damn, her lips look tempting when she smiles. Also, why is it so warm in here? Heat's hitting my face like I just walked into a sauna.

"Did I get it right?" Giselle asks.

I smile, biting my lip. "Yeah."


I nod. "You're looking at a Buenos Aires boy."

"Well, aren't I lucky. What's my prize?"

"How about we start with another dance? Sound good?"

She tugs on my arm. "Is that all?"

I pull her closer. "For now."

At some point, I stop being able to hear the music. Some invisible rhythm is guiding our bodies. I swear the rest of the people and the room fade away until there's just us. One second, her hand's sliding down my face, her back's against my chest as my hands caress her swaying waist. The next, sound returns in the form of Giselle's laughter. That's something I could definitely get used to hearing. She squeezes my hand as we head for an empty table in the corner.

Giselle slides onto the bench, and I join her. The seat isn't big enough for two people. It's tight. But that's more than alright with me. The less space between us, the better.

"Do you always dance that long?" she asks, trying to catch her breath.

"I enjoy making it last for a while. Hopefully, I didn't tire you out too much."

She giggles. "A little bit--it's the first time I've been dancing in forever."

"How come?"

Giselle lets out a heavy sigh. "I don't want to be one of those girls right now--especially not tonight." She looks away from me.

I gently put my hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to say anything you don't want to, okay? If you just want to chill for a minute, that's cool."

"Thanks," she breathes out. "The last time I went dancing was with my ex... and that's when we--when he--"

Sobs were about to drown out her voice, so I cut in. "It's okay." I lift her chin. "We don't have to talk about Bruno."

She laughs. "I didn't think you were a Disney guy."

"Blame my niece, Mariela. She makes me watch that movie every time she comes over."

"That's adorable."

"It's pretty cute. Don't tell her I told you this, but sometimes, I watch it even when she's not there."

"Do you sing along?"

"Hard not to."

"I'd like to hear that."

"No, you would not. Guaranteed. I'd need way more drinks than I've had tonight."

"Well, there's a bar right over there."

I chuckle. "Can I get you anything?"

"Surprise me." There's that smile again.

"Be right back."

After dealing with several people who should be cut off, especially the guy wearing a cup as a hat, I get our drinks. Going off past experience, I order something for Giselle that was always good. But a lot of things can change in two years. The bartender slides me my bottle and sets the cocktail down with a gentle hand. I respect that. It's a delicate drink and should be treated like one.

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