Sixteen - Feliciano

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A lump blocks up my throat. Take a breath. "I'm sorry," finally exits my mouth.

Giselle nods and gestures for me to take a seat. Shaking, I sit down across from her and stare at the table for way too long, trying to find the right words to say.

I look up at her. "I'm sorry."

Giselle sips her drink. "Take your time."

My stomach's tying more knots than a fútbol net. Is she planning on throwing that Mimosa in my face afterwards?

"I guess I just need to get this off my chest." I wait for her to respond, but she just spins her glass in her hands and stares back at me. Yup. She's definitely gearing up to give me another alcoholic shower.

A sigh spills out my mouth and I stare at a spot just behind Giselle's shoulder. "After Amanda left, I was a mess. I got scared of letting another woman get that close. Because I thought if I was alone, at least I wouldn't get hurt," the word tightens up my throat, forcing me to pause and breathe out. "I talked to Logan about what was going on in my head, and that's how we came up with the idea. Well, how he came up with the idea. I was stupid to go along with it. I know that now. But I convinced myself that I needed to keep things physical. No relationship. No feelings. No love. Hooking up was just to fulfill that primal urge all guys had... at least that's what I told myself."

Her gaze is infuriatingly even. I wish I could get a read on what going through her head. She draws her drink up to her perfect lips. Remember to breathe. I exhale, rubbing the back of my neck, trying to work up the courage to keep going. No matter what, I just need to come clean and say what I need to say.

"Look Giselle, I know how this sounds but it all changed the second I saw you walk through that door." I turn and point for effect, my hand shaking with the effort. "And it scared me--it scared the shit out of me. I didn't understand it. I tried to convince myself it wasn't real but I just couldn't bring myself to use you and walk away."

A small hint of a smile creeps out from behind her glass, emboldening my final move. I have one last shot before the clock hits zero--before the whistle blows. "And being with you it--made me realize--I couldn't imagine doing that to another woman ever again. I still can't, Giselle. All I want is to be with you. I don't care what we do as long as I can be there with you. Every time I try to convince myself that what we have isn't true, I see your face smiling back at me, and it makes me smile. It makes me grin like an idiot. I wanna call you just to hear your voice. I—Giselle I... I'm sorry. I feel like I'm just babbling right now." I take a breath.

"You're not babbling," her low voice whispers.

I press my palms into my apron, hoping she can't see the sweat. "Look, Giselle. I don't expect you to forgive me, and I think you'd be well within your rights to slap me. But I just wanted to explain that I was a pendejo. And you deserve better. I wish I could go back and tell you the truth from the jump. I wish I could be the guy who deserves your smiles... because I'm in love with you."

I close my eyes and brace for the slap or the Mimosa. A few seconds pass and I open them. Giselle's smiling as she wipes a tear away.

"I just have one question, before I decide."

I nod, lump forming in my throat. Here it comes.

"Do you always send food trucks to every girl when you apologize?" she asks.

"You'd be the first," I manage a smile.

"Well, then." She puts her glass down on the table and leans in on her elbows. "I do need to tell you that you completely ruined our last date."

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