Chapter 3

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The True Slayer

AN: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another chapter of 'The True Slayer' and I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend so far. But now on to the thing I've been meaning to say...

In this chapter there will be time skips quite a few actually and it will lead all the way to the beginning of the whole Chunnin Exam.

Naruto and a few others will go to the Elemental Nation and there will be some major bashing. Oh and to clear somethings up before they come, Naruto will be cold and heartless when in the Elemental Nations.

That means he will kill without remorse... well only to those from the leaf everyone else will merely be beating up without mercy by him.

Also Naruto will most likely never use Chakra and Jutsu while in the Elemental Nations. He'll know them he just won't use them due to not wanting to be like his family, since all the Chakra based techniques he know he got from his parent's library.

Also I know Erza lives in the Fairy Hills but since this is my story I chose to give her, her own place since back when she was young Erza was always seen alone. So it only made sense that she would get her own place... at least to me that is.

But anyways on with chapter 3

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING

(Next Morning)

Sun light... that was the first thing both felt. But both were too comfortable to wake up. But the light was persistent and won out much to the two's annoyance.

The first to open their eyes was none other than Naruto and the first thing that filled his vision was red. For some reason Naruto found it a beautiful sight to wake up to and just stared at it for what seemed like forever.

That is until he remembered where he was and who he was sharing a bed with and slowly looked down at the head the red hair was connected to.

There he found the cutest sight he had ever laid eyes on... there on his chest was Erza with her head on his chest with a bit of drool escaping her lips and every so often she would hug the strawberry cheesecake plushy toward her with her free hand.

Naruto just chuckled at the sight of it, but apparently his chuckling was enough to stir Erza from her slumber which made Naruto stop and just look at her stretch.

''Hmm...Morning N-(yawn)- Naruto.'' Erza yawned at to him making him smile at her.

''Morning to you too Erza... did you have a great sleep?'' Naruto asked her while she just rubbed her eyes while still having that little drool on her right side.

''Yea, I don't know why but I had the best sleep in a very long time how about you.'' Erza asked after fully awakening.

''Well my sleep was good too since I woke up to the cutest sight ever... Erza I didn't know you were a cuddlier.'' Naruto teased while pointing at her strawberry cheesecake plushy that she still held close to her chest while she rubbed her eyes.

Erza merely looked at him then at what he was pointing and found him pointing at her plushy and blushed while trying to stutter out a response.

''I'm just messing with you Erza, after all you looked absolutely adorable like that... well you best shower and change while I make breakfast ok... then we can go and take a job together.'' Naruto said while walking out of the room leaving a blushing and stuttering mess that is known as Erza Scarlet.

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