Chapter 6

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The True Slayer

AN: I promise and I delivery my friends and loyal readers.... Here is chapter 6 of the true slayer.

Anyways like I said in my Mages of the leaf story... 'The Dragon Slayer King' and 'The Dragon Reborn' will be on temporally Hiatus for a while.

I just lost my mojo in those two stories I need to go back and well find what I wanted and how I wanted this stories to go.

Ferduran I'm really sorry for this but I can't find a way to make it go the way we wanted the story to go.

So  please forgive me... I will still right chapters but don't expect them to  be uploaded since I want to make sure it's the way I wanted it to go.

Anyways on with this story... but first to mention who would be in the Harem and who's in it currently...

Currently in it:

Mirajane Strauss

Erza Scarlet

Might be in it:

Kin Tsuchi

Tayuya (maybe)

Temari (maybe)

Cana (maybe)

Juvia (definitely)

Ultear (maybe)

Meredy (maybe)

That's about it you guys if you have a choice send it via review or PM me with your choice and a reason why.

It  could be for pure comedy reason or because you think it has to be done  because they were made for each other I don't care as long as it's a  good reason.

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!

-Last Time-


A smiling Erza could be seen standing in front of Temari which scared Temari a little.

''Are both fighter ready...'' the proctor asked before getting a yes and put his arms in the air.

''...then... BEGIN!'' And with that both girls launched at each other ready to fight with everything they had.

-Now- Arena-

Erza  ran toward Temari intend on finishing it like she did with the panda  haired girl. Just when she was within striking destines Temari sent a  blast of wind at her sending her flying back.

Erza was surprised at this and looked up and saw Temari with a huge fan out and smirking at her.

''What's  the matter red can't get me... I'm not like the weakling leaf girl with  the panda ears who you can just punch and be done with it.'' Temari said  unknowingly causing Tenten to glare at her.

Erza looked at the fan and saw that this girl was a wind user so Erza merely smiled and reequipped into her heavens wheel armor.

When  Erza finished every single men and boy blew back because of a massive  nosebleed since Erza's choice of armor was very revealing.

''Huh  what's that armor gonna do huh? As long as I stay away from you that  armor is pointless.'' Temari said while jumping back and firing a blast  of wind.

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